From Logan Bayroff, J Street <[email protected]>
Subject Street Talk: September 2020
Date September 6, 2020 3:01 PM
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Dear Friend,

In the world of politics, Labor Day traditionally marks the day campaigns
ramp up to full throttle. And while it’s difficult to imagine how the
political debate in our country could intensify any further, we must brace
ourselves for what’s to come.

As we saw with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s norm-shattering address
from Jerusalem at the Republican National Convention, the Trump campaign
views Israel as fair game for partisan warfare. At J Street, we’re giving
voice to the large majority of American Jews and making clear that we
reject Trump’s self-serving and destructive redefinition of what it means
to be pro-Israel -- and his assault on democracy and fundamental decency
in our country. We’re helping to rally the resources and volunteers
necessary to defeat Trump, to put the Biden-Harris ticket in the White
House and to elect pro-Israel, pro-peace, diplomacy-first majorities in
both the House and Senate.

Through this election season and beyond, we will continue to champion the
true interests of the US and Israel -- and to lay the groundwork for a new
era of American leadership rooted in our Jewish and democratic values.

[ [link removed] ]Contribute now to help J Street sustain its important work in this
pivotal moment >>

Thank you for standing with us,

Logan Bayroff
Communications Director

Around J Street

J Street at the Democratic National Convention

[2]convention speakers
Going into 2020, J Street set the goal of centering our movement at the
heart of discussions about the Democratic Party’s approach to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and US foreign policy in the Middle East. At
this year's convention, that’s precisely where we were: From the platform
drafting process to events about the Biden administration’s potential
foreign policy priorities, J Street was well-represented -- and our impact
was cited again and again by Democratic leaders.

“J Street really changed my life,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky told a virtual
“Convention Kickoff” event with J Street supporters, noting that our
movement has created the political space for urgent, honest discussions on
what it means to be pro-Israel and pro-peace. Senator Chris Van Hollen
thanked us “for transforming the conversation about where we need to go.”
We also heard from Amb. Wendy Sherman, Amb. Dan Shapiro, Mayor Pete
Buttigieg, Senator Chris Murphy, Reps. Lee and Pocan and senate candidate
Cal Cunningham during the week of events hosted and cosponsored by J

In a story titled [ [link removed] ]“How the Democrats Are Shifting on Israel”, The
Washington Post noted that J Street is now “firmly at the center” of
American Jewish politics and quoted our president Jeremy Ben-Ami: “There’s
a far more balanced approach to Israel-related issues in the Democratic
Party than there was before.”
[ [link removed] ]Watch our three-minute wrap-up video →

Israel-UAE agreement halts de jure annexation plans

J Street welcomed the sudden announcement of a diplomatic normalization
agreement between Israel and the UAE -- and the corresponding ‘pause’ on
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s West Bank annexation plans. [ [link removed] ]In our
statement, we noted that Netanyahu’s decision represents a major
accomplishment for all those who mobilized against annexation, and that
the agreement with the UAE is “the latest evidence that dialogue and
diplomacy, rather than unilateral action and belligerence, are the route
to long-term security.”

At the same time, we made clear that comprehensive peace between Israel
and its neighbors in the Arab world will only be achieved through an
agreement that resolves the issues at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict and leads to the establishment of a viable and independent
Palestinian state alongside Israel. And we stressed that even if the
threat of formal annexation is off the table for the time being, those who
seek a real and lasting peace must continue to advocate for an end to
occupation and ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people.

Taking a stand against “creeping annexation” in the West Bank’s E1 area

Despite the pause on plans for formal, de jure annexation, the attempt to
push creeping annexation forward by changing facts on the ground took
another significant step forward last month -- with the announcement that
Netanyahu is advancing plans for a major new project in the West Bank’s E1
area. It has been described by Israeli activists as a “doomsday

Located just east of Jerusalem, the E1 settlement would cut through the
heart of any future Palestinian state, cut off West Bank access to East
Jerusalem and displace more than a dozen Bedouin communities.

The Progressive Israel Network -- a coalition which includes J Street, New
Israel Fund, T’ruah, Americans for Peace Now and other progressive
pro-Israel organizations -- collected thousands of signatures opposing the
E1 plan. Last week the petition was delivered to Israeli Defense Minister
Benny Gantz, who has the authority to block the construction from moving
[ [link removed] ]See the petition to Minister Gantz →

Read and share J Street’s “Rosh Hashanah supplement”

Our celebrations of Rosh Hashanah and the High Holy Days are going to look
a little different this year, but the Jewish and democratic values which
underpin J Street’s annual Rosh Hashanah supplement hold firm. This year,
J Street Rabbinic & Cantorial Cabinet member Rabbi Michael Rothbaum offers
a reflection on how we can practice radical empathy and compassion in a
moment of reckoning for our country and for Israelis and Palestinians.
[ [link removed] ]Download the supplement →

Our Israel spotlight: Save a Child’s Heart

[9]Our Israel
“Our Israel” is a J Street initiative to highlight amazing Israeli
organizations and activists who share our values and the fight to maintain
thriving liberal democracies, build on progress and stand alongside those
relegated to the margins of society. This month, we focus on the important
work of Save a Child’s Heart and their mission to build pediatric cardiac
expertise and capacity in underserved communities around the world --
including right next door in the occupied territories.

“This is one of the organizations that really exemplifies what Israel was
meant to be -- a light unto the nations,” Jeff Hoffman, co-president of
Save A Child’s Heart’s American team, tells us.
[ [link removed] ]Read & share the full profile →

Meet the J Streeters: seven questions with Amos Gil

[11]Amos Gil
As part of a new series of profiles taking a look at the backgrounds,
experiences and ideals driving J Street’s staff members, we interviewed
Capital South Regional Director Amos Gil. Before joining J Street, Amos
led several of Israel’s most well-respected progressive advocacy groups
and served with an elite Israeli defense intelligence unit.

“We demonize each other on both sides, and with political leaders who
don’t have the courage to take risks for peace, it’s easy to become
disillusioned and give up hope. But you have to remember that at the core,
the vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians want the same thing --
peace and security -- and as long as that’s the case, peace is possible.”
[ [link removed] ]Read & share the Q&A →

Best of J Stream
[13]Chris J Street’s Democratic National Convention Kickoff with Senators
Van Baldwin and Van Hollen and other special guests
Hollen [ [link removed] ]Watch →
[15]Noa What Does the UAE-Israel Agreement Mean for the Future of the
Landau Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
[ [link removed] ]Watch →
[17]Ilan Recognizing Palestinian Statehood and Other Options to Confront
Goldenberg Annexation: With Ilan Goldenberg
[ [link removed] ]Watch →
[ [link removed] ]Donate →

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[2]Street Talk Logo
© 2020 J Street | [ [link removed] ] | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who
want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish
people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate
policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish
and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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