Dear Friends,
I have some GREAT news that helps mobilize 1,000,001 additional evangelical Christians to vote for President Trump in Florida on November 3, 2020.
Here’s the good news…
I’m going back on commercial radio starting Tuesday, 9am EDT, September 8, 2020!
Yep, The United West team and I will be back on WWNN-1470am 95.3fm every morning at 9am EDT bringing you our unique edutainment format, featuring world-class newsmakers, powerful activists and a healthy dose of intelligent humor.
As you probably know, we had to go off the air in April due to the impact of the Wuhan virus economic shutdown on our donor base.
Needless to say, the Marxists, Antifa, Muslim jihadis and other anti-American terrorists were VERY happy that their #1 enemy was down…but we were not out!
The cultural insanity of the past few months has graphically illustrated the vast differences between the Democrat and Republican parties. Never have these two parties had such oppositional political policy platforms.
There is no nuance, no subjectivity, only antithetical viewpoints and beliefs.
Good versus Evil.
Without question, we are in the midst of THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE FOR AMERICA, a battle for the heart, mind and soul of this great country. The Democrats have effectively thrown God out of their Party and now reap the destructive consequences.
Will we continue as our Founders envisioned, a Constitutional Republic…or will we kneel to the agitators, Marxists, jihadis, out-of-their-minds Democrat leaders and usher in a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris “democratic socialist” Administration?
We have less than two months to save this nation, continue rebuilding from the impact of the pandemic and absolutely reinstitute the rule of law in the lawless Democrat cities.
Our daily radio show enables us to take our American message of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and blast it through the 50,000 watt antennae across south Florida and then worldwide, through iHeart Radio.
Our daily show will be a “force multiplier” for truth, common sense, logic and faith in the living God.
Obviously, we want you to tune in every day no matter where you are in the world but we also need your donation assistance.
Our team is stepping out on faith trusting that God will move in our friends and supporters to donate the necessary money we need to produce this show and the rest of our campaign operations.
In these economically difficult days please consider a donation you can afford to keep us in the fight.
For some that may be $5 or $50 or $500 or $5000….others, maybe even larger donations.
The bottom line is that our first-class team, on the verge of assisting in a Trump Florida victory, now has an additional, massive communications tool, our daily radio show starting 9am, Tuesday, September 8, 2020!
Let’s win this together!
Tom Trento, for The United West Team