Weekend Edition, September 5-6, 2020

Ideological Kin: The Progressive Left Hold the Same Values As Tyrants and Oppressors

Vasko Kohlmayer

Press in His Pocket: Bill Gates Buys Media To Control the Messaging

Robert F. Kennedy , Jr.

Oh No! Not Novichok Again!

L. Reichard White

Covid News in the Age of the Impossible

Jon Rappoport

For Years, Journalists Cheered Assange’s Abuse

Now they’ve paved his path to a US gulag. Jonathan Cook

Jacob Agonistes; or, the Wounded Martyr

George Hollenback

Back to School…D’ya Think?

James Howard Kunstler

Revolution Is Being Institutionalized in the Federal Government

Paul Craig Roberts

A Rogue Institution and a Clear and Present Danger to Liberty in America

David Stockman

Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense

Craig Murray

The Lancet Rules Russian Covid-19 Vaccine ‘Safe and Effective’

Tyler Durden

Why DC Statehood Is a Suicidal Gamble

Patrick J. Buchanan

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