
Earlier this week, our team reached out to remind you that Election Day is just under two months away, and we're going up against huge amounts of spending by our opponent and her family.

I'm not going to let that spending stop me from running -- because I know who we need in Congress, and it's not someone who's buying this seat.

I'm fighting so hard to become your representative -- because you deserve a representative that knows you.

You deserve someone who'll best represent you in Congress -- someone who's familiar with financial hardships. Someone who may look like you. Someone who takes the same public transportation as you. Someone who's willing to fight the good fight because they know what it's like to struggle, even with working multiple jobs.

That someone is me -- and because we come from the same community with similar experiences, in Congress, I'm beholden to you and only you -- never billionaires.

Chip in $5 or whatever you can to our grassroots campaign today. As always, I'm here for you. Stay safe and healthy!

-- Georgette Gómez

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Team Gómez
Date: September 3rd, 2020
Subject: The clock is ticking


2 months. 61 Days. 1,448 hours.

Election Day is getting closer and closer -- and we've got no time to waste.

We're ramping up every aspect of our campaign -- but it's tough going up against our opponent's huge amounts of spending. Like $841,000 in spending by her grandparents for October (and more on the way if she wants it!).

We have no time to waste -- we need to raise $3,467 by Saturday night to cover our next media buy to keep pace with our opponent's spending. Pitch in $5 or anything you can right now >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Getting on the air is crucial for this campaign. We can't hold in person events, and one of the most efficient ways to spread the word about Georgette is by getting up on TV.

But we don't have billionaire grandparents to help fund our ad buy.

That's why we're reaching out for your help. Can you chip in today to make sure we get on the air? Thanks for your continued support,

Team Gómez