I'm so tired of losing lives to senseless and preventable gun violence. Enough is enough.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the horrific mass shooting in West Texas this past weekend. I stand with the friends and families of the seven people who were killed and share their sorrow, and I’m so grateful to the brave first responders.

But John -- thoughts and prayers simply aren’t enough.

I’m so tired of losing lives to senseless and preventable gun violence, and I know you are, too, John.

Less than a month before the shooting in Odessa and Midland, there was another shooting in El Paso, Texas. Less than 24 hours after that shooting, there was another one in Dayton, Ohio. And before that: Parkland, Orlando, Newtown, Aurora, and countless other communities.

Too many communities have had to endure heartbreak because of gun violence.

The Republican Senate must put an end to its dangerous inaction and #GiveUsAVote on the gun violence prevention measures advanced by the House Majority. We need universal background checks and we need to close the loopholes created by modern-day gun sales online, person to person, and at gun shows. Our common-sense, bipartisan plan would do that, and it’s overwhelmingly supported by Americans across the country.

The only thing holding us back is Mitch McConnell and Republicans who are doing the NRA’s dirty work.

I won’t back down until they take action. And if they continue to stall and obstruct, we will make our voices heard to every Republican on the ballot on Election Day.

Our children are depending on us to do the right thing because their futures are at stake. I’m in this fight for as long as it takes, and I hope you will join me, John.

Never let up,


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