This race is tightening, team, and polls put MJ within single digits of Senator Cornyn -- one puts her as little as one point behind him!
NBC DFW reported that "there are other polls that suggest [MJ Hegar] is even closer than Beto O'Rourke was this time two years ago." Senator Cornyn has an even lower approval rating than Ted Cruz, so he must be terrified right now!
Donate now to keep Sen. Cornyn worried.
With the race a dead heat and Senator Cornyn's approval rating as low as 29%, it's no surprise that we've seen Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump Jr., Ted Cruz, and the Koch network all rushing in to defend him.
Senator Cornyn is Mitch McConnell's right hand man, the former Senate Whip, and next in line to replace McConnell as Majority Leader. If he loses in November, it would seriously hurt the McConnell gang's ability to gut the Affordable Care Act, destroy Social Security, and everything else they're itching to do.
We can make it happen, but it's going to take a lot of work and all of us pitching in. Can MJ count on you?
-- Team MJ