I'll be honest -- this isn't the update I wanted to share.
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John, just wanted to follow up on my note from yesterday.

I’ll be honest — this isn’t the update I wanted to share. But I’ve always been straightforward with you, so here’s the truth: Our fundraising didn’t pick up yesterday.

I know that it was a long weekend, and we tried to account for that in our budgeting. But right now, we’re behind where we needed to be at this point. So I’m asking you to help us make up the difference:

Please make a $3 donation to our campaign right now. Your contribution will help ensure we don’t have to make any budget cuts in this final week.

Thank you,


Dan McCready for Congress

John -

I’ll dive right in: I’m reaching out with a quick update on our fundraising to ask if you can make a $3 contribution before the end of the day.

We started the weekend strong. This grassroots team helped us keep our pace up. But yesterday, our fundraising started to slow down, and it still hasn’t picked back up today.

I know it’s a long weekend, but with 8 days to go in our special election, we really cannot afford to fall behind on our goals. We still have a number of turn out programs and ads that we need to fund.

We have to make final budget decisions soon, and my hope is that we don’t have to scale anything back when we need to be ramping up.

But that means we need a lot of our grassroots supporters to step up today.

Will you pitch in $3 today? Every dollar will be immediately invested in turning out as many of our voters as we possibly can.

I’ve seen what this team is capable of, and if we all do our part, we can make up for yesterday’s shortfall and get our fundraising back on track.

The only way we’ll meet the challenge of this moment is if we do it together.

- Margaret Nelson
Finance Director


Paid for by McCready for Congress

Dan McCready is a former member of the United States Marines. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Marines or the Department of Defense. This email was sent to [email protected]. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe. We try to send only the most important information and opportunities to participate via email. To support Dan McCready with a contribution, click here.