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Real News for Real Americans

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WARNING: Sean Hannity Under Attack!



The radical left is unhinged.

We've all seen the riots. The violence. The mayhem in the streets.

They're weaponizing Cancel Culture to take down anyone who calls them out on their utter insanity...

... and now they just announced their latest target: Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, the deep state cabal - fueled by the mainstream media - has been working tirelessly to overthrow his Presidency.

And Hannity has been calling them out on it every step of the way!

So now, he's become their #1 target... simply for exposing their lies and corruption.

That's why we're announcing a Natioanl petition to save Sean Hannity from Cancel Culture, and urge Fox News to keep him on the air!

We can't let one of America's true heroes be takin down by the radical left mob.

National Petition to Save Sean Hannity

>> Click Here to Add Your Name <<

Once we've got enough signatures we're sending them all straight to Fox News and their advertisers to show that We the People support Hannity, and that we've got his back!

The radical left just launched a completely BOGUS lawsuit against both Hannity and Tucker... one that has "no basis in fact whatsoever!"

But the truth won't stop these lunatics.

They won't be happy until every last conservative journalist is completely removed from the air

If we don't step up and show support RIGHT NOW, it's only a matter of time before they win.

This is exactly how they took down Bill O'Reilly - we cannot let history repeat itself!

If we lose Hannity's critical voice, President Trump's ability to fight back against the Fake News mainstream media will be severely hindered.

Will you add your name alongside thousands of other American Patriots and sign the petition to Save Sean Hannity?

National Petition to Save Sean Hannity

>> Click Here to Add Your Name <<

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Outraged Patriot
651 N Broad St, Suite 205 #1146
Middletown , DE 19709

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