Friend, check out this recent poll on FiveThirtyEight.
A recent poll on FiveThirtyEight shows that Joe Biden is leading Trump in Georgia by 1-point. This confirms what our team has known since the start of this election cycle -- Democrats can win in Georgia!
If we win in Georgia, we can take the White House and the Senate.
It’s not about ideology. It’s about responsibility. Right now, the GOP is willingly standing by our corrupt President in denying the gravity of the situation we’re in and abdicating their responsibility to protect Georgians’ health.
They’re spending millions of dollars to try and hold their power in our state. They know how vital Georgia is.
Matt Lieberman is running for the U.S. Senate to change a broken Washington and get things done for the people of Georgia. Chip in now to help us win in Georgia, flip the Senate, and build a better future for our families.