From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject Why I took the oath
Date September 4, 2020 10:09 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress

It's true --

One of the proudest days of my life was entering the U.S. Naval Academy on July 3, 1990. Most of that pride was centered on the oath I took. An oath to our Constitution -- I promised to defend it from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. I've taken that oath many times over the years: at promotion ceremonies in the military, when I was sworn in as an Assistant U.S. Attorney, and, most recently, when I was sworn in to the 116th Congress.

To me, that oath spoke of sacrifice, responsibility, and selfless service. It put to words my deep appreciation for this country and all that it has allowed my family to achieve. It reminded me of the sacrifices of those who went before me, like my grandfather who was shot down in WWII. And it reminded me of the values I was protecting for those who would come after me.

I took that oath, not because I was a loser or because I was a sucker. I took that oath because I believe in something bigger than myself. Because I care deeply for this country and for my countrymen and women.

The president does not share the values of the men and women in uniform or their families.

Time and again, he has denigrated those who serve and their service. I am offended that the Commander in Chief of the United States would do this, but I don't need his praise or his appreciation. However, I draw the line when the president denigrates Gold Star families. I always knew there was a chance I could die while serving. Like so many others, I didn't think of that as the ultimate sacrifice, but rather it was the sacrifice of families, of sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers who would be left behind. That's why I work so hard to support Gold Star families. And that's why I won't forgive this President. He is unfit to serve as our Commander in Chief.

So, if you want to thank me for my service, you can do so by electing Joe Biden. He has faced more loss in his lifetime than any one person should have to bear. He understands sacrifice. He understands service. He understands us -- veterans, service members, and our families -- and he understands why we fight, bleed, and sometimes die, for this great country we call home.


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