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A Letter from the Trump Administration: #SaveGirlsSports!


Teamwork makes a difference! On June 26 Minnesota Family Council and other organizations sent a coalition letter to President Trump and Education Secretary DeVos asking the administration to #SaveGirlsSports.

We were very heartened this week when our allies at Family Policy Alliance received a reply from the Department of Education.  A direct response from an Administrative agency is rare – but a substantive, definitive letter of support from a department is nearly unheard of.  That is why we were so encouraged by the Department’s letter and wanted to share it with you.  Allow me to provide a few highlights:

  • It unequivocally states the Department’s “commitment to ensuring Title IX is vigorously enforced at every level of education”.

  • It provides the legal justification for why the Bostock decision does notcontrol the Department’s interpretation of Title IX or its regulations.

  • It affirms the Department’s view that “single-sex teams [are] based only on biological sex at birth – male or female – as opposed to a person’s gender identity.”

Once again, teamwork makes a difference! When pro-family Americans come together and make their voices heard, great things happen.  This is what biblical citizenship is all about!

Thank you for standing with us to defend God’s design for family, the inherent worth of every life – male and female, and our most prized freedom of religion. 


Nancy Pelosi Takes Aim at the Hyde Amendment


The Hyde Amendment is estimated to have saved over 2.4 million lives since 1976 by blocking federal funds from being used to pay for abortions. Research from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute shows that public funding for abortion increases abortion rates and that nearly a quarter of abortion-minded women choose life when Medicaid funds are restricted from being used for abortion. The pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute published similar findings, indicating that by blocking federal funds from paying for abortions, the Hyde Amendment saves roughly 60,000 lives per year. This lifesaving amendment has received bipartisan support for decades, and polling data shows that 60% of American voters oppose taxpayer-funded abortions.

According to reports that emerged on Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who chairs the subcommittee that funds federal health programs, informed a group of lawmakers that they would not be adding the Hyde Amendment to any government funding bills next year. Speaker Pelosi hinted at this shift earlier this year when she tried to sidestep the Hyde Amendment in emergency economic stimulus packages, first in March and then again in May. Writing for National Review, John McCormack has pointed out that the Democrat party has purged most of their pro-life members, leaving very few Democrats in Congress who support the Hyde Amendment.

[Read the whole piece by Patience Griswold at The Family Beacon]


Salt, Light, and Sexual Purity


Recent data from Pew Research indicates that roughly half of America’s professing Christians believe that casual sex and premarital sex are sometimes or always acceptable. According to Pew,

Half of Christians say casual sex – defined in the survey as sex between consenting adults who are not in a committed romantic relationship – is sometimes or always acceptable. Six-in-ten Catholics (62%) take this view, as do 56% of Protestants in the historically Black tradition, 54% of mainline Protestants and 36% of evangelical Protestants.

Attitudes toward premarital sex between adults who are in a committed relationship reflect a similar trend:

A majority of Christians (57%) say sex between unmarried adults in a committed relationship is sometimes or always acceptable. That includes 67% of mainline Protestants, 64% of Catholics, 57% of Protestants in the historically Black tradition and 46% of evangelical Protestants.

Unsurprisingly, these findings come at a time when American Christians are increasingly caving to pressure from the LGBT movement. Both of these trends indicate that the American church has lost sight of the goodness of God’s design for sexuality. When Christians abandon God’s design for sexuality, they reject God’s Word, as well as the glorious picture of Christ and his Bride the Church that marriage as God designed it offers.

[Read the whole piece by Patience Griswold at The Family Beacon]


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Our annual in-person dinner is SOLD OUT! But you can still join us for an inspiring evening with ABBY JOHNSON by purchasing a $10 digital pass to watch the livestream event. The $10 pass is good for you, your family, or even a small "watch party" from the comfort of your home! The livestream event will start at 7:15 PM on September 17 - more information to come.

There are a limited amount of digital passes available - get yours today! You will get access to a livestream link for the September 17 event, as well as a recording after the event.

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PULPITS & POLITICS Ep. 2: Are we too far gone? Is there hope in the political sphere?

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I'm pleased to share with you the second video in our PULPITS & POLITICS video series about Christian political engagement.

We brought pastors together earlier this year to speak with one of our elected officials (Rep. Jim Nash of Waconia) about what biblical citizenship looks like. The resulting conversations became a series of seven videos, which we're previewing for pastors one at a time for the next few weeks. Although this is separate from the work of the Church Ambassador Network, we hope it will be helpful for your ministry as you seek to guide your flock toward one of the most contentious elections in our memory.

The second video features Pastor Rory Martin of Liberty Baptist Church in Eden Prarie. The title is "Are we too far gone? Is there hope in the political sphere?" That's a question many people are asking right now - maybe you, maybe someone in your family or in your congregation. Click here, or on the preview image above, to watch! If the video is helpful to you, FORWARD it to a friend or family member!

Here are the questions we'll be exploring over the coming weeks:

  • What should Christians do besides just voting?
  • Should Christians seek to serve in elected office?
  • What are common misconceptions about politics and politicians?
  • How is politics a calling for Christians?
  • What is the cost of being a Christian politician?
Can't wait? You can view all the videos now on our website at mfc.org/pulpits-politics.


Day of Prayer and Repentance - September 26 - St. Paul


Our nation is in need of repentance, and thankfully we have a God who loves to hear us and forgive sins. Rep. Tim Miller (R-Prinsburg) and Rep. Julie Sandstede (D-Hibbing) are organizing the upcoming National Day of Repentance (September 26) for just this reason.

Did you catch that? A Democrat and a Republican are coming together during election season to pray with us for God's mercy over sin, including the sin of abortion. That's a big deal. We hope that this event can transcend mere political affiliation and bring people of all stripes together for prayer and supplication to God.

Why a Day of Repentance? Two simple reasons: our sin, and God's promises. During this time of testing in our nation, we need to approach the throne of grace. And when we approach God in repentance, He hears and forgives. We take our inspiration from 2 Chronicles 7:14: "For if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

Click here to learn more about the September 26 event in St. Paul


 Educating and Equipping Parents on the Transgender Trend

 Get Your Copy of the Minnesota Parent Resource GuideThe Parent Resource Guide sheds light on the consequences transgender ideas have on kids' lives, while equipping parents to play a positive role in creating a truly welcoming school community. 

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Responding to the transgender trend with truth and compassion starts with the Parent Resource Guide. Get your copy HERE today and invite a friend to do the same! Click to order your copy today:

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 Support MFC When You Shop Online - now on mobile!


Did you know that when you shop with Amazon Smile, Amazon makes a donation to Minnesota Family Institute at no cost to you? This is one of the easiest ways to support our mission of advancing life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota! Now available in Amazon's mobile app!


Thank you for sharing Minnesota Family Council’s vision for strong families and communities through Christ. As we approach a momentous election, we need your support now more than ever. Click here to give now. We are grateful for your partnership with us through prayer and financial support.


















































































































































































































Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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