Friend – Donald Trump is looking for every tactic he can find to sabotage the election this November and cheat his way into another four years in power.

Just this week, Trump encouraged voters to vote twice. I want to be very clear: This is against the law. How have we sunk to the point where a sitting president blatantly encourages illegal behavior to undermine our democratic process?

I wish I could say Trump's dictatorial behavior is shocking, but this is just the latest in a long list of attacks on our nation's political system – from his open invitation to Russian espionage during the 2016 election to his attempt to bury a Department of Homeland intelligence report about Russia's ongoing efforts to influence this year’s election in 2020. That is not to mention Trump's relentless attacks on the U.S. Postal Service to stop the American people from voting by mail during a pandemic.

Donald Trump is the most urgent threat to ever face our democratic process, and it's absolutely critical for every last one of us to stand up and hold him accountable at the ballot box this November. That's why I'm counting on 5,000 people to let me know before midnight tonight.

Will you vote in the 2020 election?

Thank you,

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