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Revving Up Again
As we head into Labor Day weekend, we're now officially 60 days away from Election Day. And just as campaigns across our state are revving up (and we're staying very busy at your Indiana Republican Party), we're seeing more signs that our nation and state are revving up again, too, with promising economic news.

Nationally, some good news. Under the leadership of President Trump and Vice President Pence, 1.37 million more Americans were on payrolls in August, with the unemployment rate continuing to drop. Read more here.

And here in Indiana, economic development is continuing at rapid speed, with the fundamentals of Indiana's business-friendly environment remaining strong. So far this year, we're already approaching 20,000 job commitments (at high wages!). Indiana's unemployment rate is also dropping and is below the national average.

There's no doubt that we have a long way to go. But thanks to the strong Republican leadership of President Trump, Vice President Pence and Governor Holcomb, we've got a solid foundation, and we're revving up again.

-Chairman Kyle Hupfer

PHOTO: Events are kicking-off again! I had great time yesterday at the Perry-Spencer Republican Picnic, as did Governor Holcomb and Lt. Governor Crouch.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Connecting Hoosiers Every Step of the Way

It’s been another busy week for Governor Holcomb as he's continuing to connect Hoosiers in ALL parts of Indiana -- whether that's in-person or through much-needed high-speed broadband!

This week he joined local leaders to celebrate the completion of another trail as part of his Next Level Trails program (this one in Clarksville in Southern Indiana).

And as part of Governor Holcomb's Next Level Broadband, he announced the program's second round of funding this week totaling $51 million in matching grants for rural broadband infrastructure. In total, the $100 million Next Level Broadband Grant Program is the largest single investment in broadband in our state’s history. Governor Holcomb is bridging the digital divide for Hoosiers and connecting unserved areas to affordable, high-speed broadband.

“This latest round of grants will give more Hoosiers access to more affordable, quality internet regardless of where they live, work or go to school.” -Governor Holcomb

To stay up to date on the latest developments, please make sure you're following Governor Holcomb on FacebookTwitter and Instagram


Visit Our Indiana GOP Election Information Center!

How are you planning to vote in this election? Absentee? Early? On Election Day? Regardless, with less than two months to go, it’s time to make a plan for how you’ll be voting – and we’ve got you covered.

For answers and information to your voting questions, you can now visit our GOP Election Information Center website, which will continue to be updated over the next 60 days! We have all the information you need all in one place.

Election Day is quickly approaching, so use the link below to ensure you have a voting plan!

--> Click here to visit the GOP election information center <--


60 Days to Go

There are now just 60 days to go until Election Day. Events are picking up, including picnics and Lincoln Day Dinners (including these photos from the Porter County Lincoln Day Dinner and the Spencer-Perry Republican Picnic). 

And as we enter the final countdown, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer for our GOP team! Sign-up here to help us talk with Hoosier voters in all corners of Indiana on why it’s critical we keep Indiana moving forward. We can’t let Democrats move Indiana backward!

--> Click here to sign up <--

Upcoming Events

September 5: Vermillion County Headquarters Grand Opening
September 11: Warren County Republican Patriot Day Golf Outing
September 12: BBQ with the Blue
September 12: Wells County Lincoln Day Dinner & Reagan Rally
September 13: 9th Annual Chairman's GOP Rally and Cookout
September 26: White County Lincoln Dinner
October 2: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 3: Knox County Annual Spot Shoot 
October 3: Warren County Drive-Thru BBQ
October 5: Orange County GOP Annual Fall Dinner
October 7: Kosciusko County Republican Fall Fish Fry 
October 7: Madison County Lincoln Day Dinner
October 15: Lincoln-Reagan Fall Dinner
October 24: Adams County Lincoln Day Dinner

Have an event to add? Please email it to [email protected]!

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb leads $51 million matching grants for broadband expansion
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch visited Northern Indiana
Senator Todd Young discusses COVID-19 relief package
Senator Mike Braun
cosigns bipartisan Promoting Alzheimer’s Awareness of Elder Abuse Act
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski hosts U.S. Agriculture Secretary in Indiana
Congressman Jim Banks signs Heritage Foundation's Police Pledge
Congressman Jim Baird applauds grants for improving air and water quality across the state
Congresswoman Susan Brooks named legislative champion of maternal & child health

Congressman Greg Pence meets with the National Association of Health Underwriters
Congressman Larry Bucshon announces funding for victims of domestic abuse
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth joins panel on Science and American Advancement

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