Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

John -- Last month, people from across the country stepped up to help us smash our fundraising goals and gain even more momentum. It’s all too clear. West Virginians and their fellow Americans are eager to send Shelley Moore Capito packing!

But our work is far from over, John. With less than two months until Election Day, we must do even more to reach every voter. Your support TODAY makes it all possible.

If you are able, can you pitch in NOW and help me win this seat?

Like most of you, I’m an everyday American - the daughter and granddaughter of coal miners. My roots in Appalachia run deep, and I can tell you this with absolute certainty: West Virginians are tired of empty promises from career politicians like Capito, who stay in office simply to serve themselves and the corporations that bankroll them. 

I promise to bring the change Americans need. Your $10, $15, or $20 contribution NOW will help us deliver on that promise.

Capito’s neglect is evident in the poverty and suffering of my fellow West Virginians. She has never cared about West Virginians or regular folks. She never will. 

WE CAN FLIP THIS SEAT and the Senate, but it’ll require ALL of us giving whatever we can - now and all the way through to Election Day.
Will you help us take back the Senate for ALL Americans?

We can’t do this without you, but together, we will lift up Americans everywhere.

Paula Jean


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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

Paid for by Paula Jean for West Virginia

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