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The Unz Review Digest - September 4, 2020

Our continuing urban violence overwhelmingly dominated our coverage this last week, with our most popular article being Jared Taylor’s analysis of the bizarre aspects of the current widespread unrest.  Unlike during the 1960s, the overwhelming majority of the violent Black Lives Matter rioters seem to be white, and indeed America’s whitest cities such as Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis have been the central focus of the violence.  Apparently over the last couple of decades, a considerable fraction of younger whites have fully absorbed the notion that American society is viciously hostile to blacks, and therefore must be opposed or even overthrown.  In less than two days, this piece has already attracted nearly 500 comments totaling over 50,000 words.

The next two pieces, by Mike Whitney and Eric Striker, focused especially on the shooting deaths of a couple of BLM rioters in suburban Kenosha by Kyle Rittenhouse, an armed white teenager, with the latter being an enormously popular hold-over from the previous week.  Both point out that the killings clearly seemed to be justified self-defense after Rittenhouse was violently attacked, an expected consequence of the unwillingness of the local police to defend property and suppress the rioting, with Striker revealing that all three victims had very serious criminal records.  Taken together, the two pieces have accumulated nearly 1,300 comments totaling over 100,000 words.

Meanwhile, our fifth most popular article, also by Whitney, focused on the apparently unprovoked killing of an unarmed pro-Trump demonstrator in Portland by a BLM Antif rioter, suggesting that American society might be at the tipping point for widespread deadly urban political violence.  The Saker’s article, ranked just below takes much the same position, warning that the Democrats seem eager to provoke a civil war.

Finally, in fourth place and rounding out our most popular articles was Paul Kersey’s discussion of a horrific crime in North Carolina in which a teenage white girl was brutally murdered by four young blacks, the sort of all-too-common incident that is almost always ignored by our national media, instead so massively preoccupied with the extremely rare cases of unarmed blacks who died at the hands of police.

George Floyd died in police custody on May 25. Since then, there have been demonstrations in his name in more than 2,000 American cities. There has been so much rioting and looting that at least 200 cities imposed curfews, and 31 states and the District of Columbia called in the National Guard. It would be... Read More
Kyle Rittenhouse didn't go to Kenosha to shoot protestors; he went to protect the property and lives of the people who were threatened by a rampaging mob that had already destroyed large parts of the city. That's why he was there. He went to fill the security vacuum the Democrat governor and mayor created when... Read More
A 17-year-old boy was charged with murder in the first degree after opening fire on three anarchist rioters in two seperate incidents. The accused, Kyle Rittenhouse, is from Antioch, Illinois, just 21 miles from Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse traveled to Kenosha with his AR-15 in order to protect small business owners and citizens who were being... Read More
For roughly nine years, this site has documented individuals and the crimes/violence taking their lives. Many of them you'd never read about were it not for Paul Kersey. Something has changed over the 2020 Summer of Black Lives Matter/Bolshevik Terror, completely upending the carefully maintained garden of lies our corporate media and (a)moral betters tend... Read More
After 4 years of the most vicious, hyperbolic and incendiary character assassination campaign in the nation's history, the media finally claimed its first fatality in a shootout in Portland on Saturday night. The victim--whose name has not yet been disclosed-- was shot by an (allegedly) Antifa member who saw the man's hat as sufficient provocation... Read More
If you have not already seen this, check out this video of Hillary Clinton stating that, quote, "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances": "Any" means "any". That would include the (admittedly hypothetical) case of Trump clearly winning by a landslide. Again, "any" means "any". The direct implications of that is that the Dems... Read More
There’s a rather innocuous painting by Peter Saul called “Bathroom Sex Murder,” so this article’s title is also a harmless joke. It’s better than “My Summer Vacation,” no? Of course, I’m not anti-Semitic. Jew canceled, I’m just trying to uncancel myself, bits by bits, with tads of cutesy sensationalism. Walking into a bar, a guy... Read More
More shots have been fired in the trial run of the second American Civil War. On August 25th, Kyle Rittenhouse, a seventeen-year-old citizen-militia member, was attacked at least twice by a Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob during a riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He was armed with a rifle, and with it killed two of... Read More
Sandia National Laboratories, a US government-funded nuclear weapons developer, requires its white employees to be subjected to indoctrination in training sessions in which critical race theory propagandists tell the white employees they are racists, because they have white privilege due to their skin color. One of the abused white employees, Casey Peterson, produced a video... Read More
Be a Miracle if it Don't
Black militia at Stone Mountain. Cocky, heavily armed, outgunning the police. White militias have similar firepower. A fight is entirely possible. In downtown America. Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.... Read More
We have seen how China is meticulously planning all its crucial geopolitical and geoeconomic moves all the way to 2030 and beyond. What you are about to read next comes from a series of private, multilateral discussions among intel analysts, and may helpfully design the contours of the Big Picture. In China, it’s clear the... Read More
We do not yet know what has happened to Alexei Navalny; he is still in a medically induced coma in a German hospital. If it is poisoning, (and this is far from being certain) it is not clear yet what poison and under what circumstances he consumed it. Yet even so we are just as... Read More
Another attack on free speech by the Jewish State
Israel’s defenders both in the political realm and in the media have long used every weapon available to stifle any criticism of Israeli racism and its oppression of the Palestinians. In particular, the use of “anti-Semitism” as something like a tactical discussion stopper in deliberations about the Middle East has long been a staple of... Read More
Note: Giles Corey’s new book, The Sword of Christ, may be purchased here. Get it before it’s banned! Giles Corey has written a book that should be read by all Christians as well as White advocates of all theoretical perspectives, including especially those who are seeking a spiritual foundation that is deeply embedded in the... Read More
Republicans are the Real Social Justice Warriors
A crime scene. The aesthetics of a horror movie. Sinister music. This is the latest Trump attack ad exposing Joe Biden’s “racism problem,” released a day after rioting in Chicago. The Trump campaign is engaging in offense archaeology, digging up a Biden statement from all the way back in 1973. Other Trump ads criticized Biden’s... Read More
This admirable column gets a modest trickle of mail from European readers, for some reason chiefly in France and Italy but some from the Nordic realms. While these correspondents are intelligent and thoughtful, and sometimes translate my maunderings into their languages, they do not give a comprehensive view of what Europe thinks of the United... Read More
Court hearings in Britain over the US administration’s extradition case against Julian Assange begin in earnest next week. The decade-long saga that brought us to this point should appall anyone who cares about our increasingly fragile freedoms. A journalist and publisher has been deprived of his liberty for 10 years. According to UN experts, he... Read More
or: The Storming of the Reichstag Building on 29 August, 2020
On March 21, 1933, the Nazi-controlled Reichstag passed a law making it a crime to speak out against the government. The “Regulations of the Reich President for Defense from Treacherous Attacks against the Government of the National Uprising” made even the slightest expression of dissent from Nazi ideology a criminal offense. This new law, among... Read More
Review of The Blackening of Europe, by Clare Ellis
“When this majority-minority shift occurs, there will be an unprecedented transfer of political power from European peoples to non-Europeans, essentially signalling the final endpoint of Europeans’ sovereignty over their ancestral homelands.” One of the great tragedies of modern times has been the warped and perverse bureaucratic and institutional form taken by the noble idea of... Read More
"Welcome to America, the Land of Freedom", read the signs at Washington, DC's international airport as you line up to have your fingerprints taken and your body cavities searched for mini nuclear devices. I could have titled this article "Setting the Cat among the Pigeons". In an attempt to forestall the expected avalanche of disagreement,... Read More

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