Dear readers,
Our September issue presents a new joint statement by the coalition members, which calls for urgent action to expand children's access to social protection, to shield our youngest from the brutal social and economic impacts of the current and future crises. As usual, our newsletter also outlines the latest news, events, publications, and opportunities on child poverty research, policies and programs. In addition to our newsletters, we also compile useful resources on our mini knowledge hub.
Our next issue will be dedicated to the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Stay tuned!
Yours truly,
The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty.
A Call to Action for governments to expand children’s access to Child-Sensitive Social Protection in the wake of COVID-19
COVID-19 threatens to push millions more children into poverty and deprivation across the world, risking lasting negative impacts on them and wider society. While governments have put in place short-term social protection measures to protect their citizens from the immediate economic impacts of the pandemic, this Call to Action explains why governments must maintain and scale up their investments in child-focused and child-sensitive social protection to avoid failing an entire future generation.
→Read the call to action
Online event: Is it time for Universal child benefits?
The live digital event marks the launch of an ODI-UNICEF report on universal child benefits and will discuss both the roles they can play in reducing poverty and inequality while promoting social cohesion and public support for social protection, as well as the challenges and trade-offs policymakers face.
- David Stewart – Chief, Child Poverty and Social Protection, UNICEF
- Ariunzaya Ayush – Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Government of Mongolia
- Hon. Lindiwe Zulu – Minister for Social Development, Government of South Africa
- Nelson Marwa Sospeter – Principal Secretary for Social Protection, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Kenya (TBC)
- Francesca Bastagli – Director, Equity and Social Policy, and Principal Research Fellow, ODI
- Martin Ravallion – Edmond D. Villani Professor of Economics, Georgetown University
→ Register to attend
2020 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index
The 2020 Multidimensional Poverty Index reveals that half of 1.3 billion people that are MPI poor are children.
Simulations based on anticipated impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on just two indicators of the global MPI – nutrition and school attendance – suggest that, if unaddressed, the crisis may set poverty levels back by 9.1 years, with an additional 490 million people falling into multidimensional poverty.
→ Read the analysis
Unmasking the Impact of COVID-19 on Asia's Most Vulnerable Children
by World Vision
World Vision conducted a Recovery Assessment, in nine countries across Asia to better understand the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on the lives of vulnerable children, and inform its response journey ahead.
→ Discover the results
Childcare in a Global Crisis: The Impact of COVID-19 on work and family life
by UNICEF Innocenti
This paper paints a picture of current progress towards ensuring that all families have access to affordable and high-quality childcare and considers the implications of the current COVID-19 crisis for childcare globally.
→ Download the document
Coronavirus Rapid Mobile Survey (CRAM) in South Africa
by PEP
CRAM involves more than 30 researchers across five universities to survey a nationally representative sample of 10,000 South Africans every month from May to October. Using mobile telephone surveys, the project will focus on unemployment, household income, access to healthcare, child hunger, and access to government grants.
→ Learn more
Kenya Comprehensive Poverty Analysis: Children, Youth, Women, Men & the Elderly
On August 10th, Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), UNICEF Kenya, and UN WOMEN Kenya launched the Comprehensive Poverty Analysis report along with 47 county poverty profiles.
→ Read the report
Technical note
Social Protection for Children and Families in the Context of Migration and Displacement during COVID-19
This note outlines key actions governments can take to ensure social protection programmes are inclusive of children and families affected by migration and displacement – regardless of their citizenship, nationality or migration status.
→ Download the document
Scoping and Sector Review of Social Protection in Somaliland
by Save the Children
This Scoping Study and Sector Review, produced under the guidance of the Ministry of Employment, Social Affairs and Family (MESAF) of Somaliland and Save the Children, is a strategic analysis of the existing policy landscape in Somaliland in order to inform the development of a Social Protection system.
→ Read the report
COVID-19 Cash Transfer Programme helping families with the most basic needs
To mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable children, the Royal Government of Cambodia and UNICEF launched a new Cash Transfer Programme in June, aiming to reach an estimate of 540,000 households living in poverty.
→ Read more
Can we avoid a lost decade of development?
by Kevin Watkins, Save the Children
National solidarity demands that governments strengthen social protection safety nets by increasing conditional and unconditional cash transfers, with specific benefits for children. One concrete idea with far wider potential application is the Inclusive Growth Dividend proposed for India—in effect, a universal monthly supplement with allowances for children paid to mothers.
→ Read the blog
Why Governments Need to “Build Back Better” with Faith Actors in Africa
by Adikwu Ejeh Michael, Arigatou International
The impact of COVID-19 on low-income families with children is likely to be more severe in the short term and recovery for these families will take much longer. To support vulnerable families and build back better, governments need to work with faith actors - who have a strong presence in local communities and capacity to deliver critical services.
→ Read the blog
From Crisis Comes Opportunity: Spain’s Basic Income Response to COVID-19
by Jennifer Waidler, Maja Gavrilovic, UNICEF Innocenti
Spain has been hard hit by Covid-19, both in terms of the high death toll and worsening economic conditions. But from this adversity comes an opportunity. The Government recently launched a national ‘Basic Income scheme’ (‘Ingreso Minimo Vital’), for extremely poor households and vulnerable groups.
→ Read the blog
Video series: In First Person
by Equity for Children
Equity for Children and A Chance In Life have released a series of brief, powerful videos about life during the pandemic for some of the most vulnerable communities in Latin America. Women across Argentina, Guatemala, Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Mexico were interviewed to give voice to the challenges they and their children face in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
→ Discover more
Investing in Child benefits in a COVID-19 World
by Yolande Wright, Save the Children and Nicholas Freeland, Development Pathways
The COVID-19 pandemic, along with the growing climate crisis, demonstrates that we are all vulnerable to shocks throughout our lifetime. Thus, rather than focusing on short term, humanitarian relief, we need sustainable solutions that provide support. Investing in children can be part of a larger recovery solution to build resilience in communities and to equip the next generation to face the lasting impacts of COVID-19.
→ Listen to the podcast
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Commemoration Event
The theme for 2020 International Day for the Eradication of Poverty Commemoration event, organized by ATD Fourth World, is "Acting together to achieve social and environmental justice for all»
→ Find out more
- FREE online courses on poverty and inequality measurement, policy evaluation by PEP. The lessons for all of PEP’s online training courses are available for free on PEP’s YouTube page. → Start Learning
Have ideas on what to include in future Child Poverty newsletter?
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The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is a global initiative to raise awareness about children living in poverty across the world and support global and national action to alleviate it as outlined by SDG Goal 1: No Poverty. Our members work together as part of the Coalition, as well as individually, to achieve a world where all children grow up free from poverty, deprivation and exclusion.