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by Ahtra Elnashar

President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have presented voters with two contrary visions for the role the United States should play on the world stage.

President and founder of the Progressive Policy Institute Will Marshall said Republicans have attempted to use "globalism" as a scare tactic. 

“If that means that you realize that you are better off and safer by making common cause with fellow democracies in the world, trading with them, forging security bargains with them for mutual defense, collective security, if that’s what’s globalism means then yes, Joe Biden is for that," Marshall said. 

Marshall echoed Biden's claim that Trump sullied the United States' standing in the world, specifically with allies. 

“If you say ‘America first and I don’t give a rip about your country or other countries,’ well, the people in those other countries hear that and they reciprocate," Marshall said.

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Online Classes Cost Too Much –– So Do Onsite Classes
by Paul Weinstein

After welcoming undergraduates back to campus, Notre Dame, Michigan State, and the University of North Carolina (among others), experienced outbreaks of COVID-19. The result—they switched back to remote learning. With 26,000 cases of coronavirus linked to college campuses, more will soon follow. While some of those schools will offer discounts for online courses, many others won’t. Is this fair?

U.S. App Economy Update August 2019
by Michael Mandel

As of August 2020,  we estimate that the United States has 2.52 million App Economy jobs, up 12% from our latest April 2019 estimate (released September 2019). This estimate includes a conservative estimate of spillover jobs (for a definition of an App Economy job and an explanation of our methodology, please see the appendix of our 2017 report) .

Invest in Metro Recovery and Resilience
by Crystal Swann

resilient city is defined by “the policy-induced ability of an (urban) economy to withstand or recover from the effects of shocks.” It took many U.S. cities years to recover from the 2008 Great Recession and Wall Street meltdown. Today, the coronavirus pandemic and recession pose an even more severe test of the resilience of America’s great metropolitan hubs.

Create More Innovation Schools
By David Osborne

The nation is embroiled in a fierce debate over whether or not to reopen public schools this fall. Governors facing fresh outbreaks are rightly reluctant to act in haste, while President Trump has threatened to withhold federal aid to districts that don’t open on schedule. Everyone wants to see their kids get back to school when it’s safe. But the deeper question is how to make our public schools more resilient against this still unfolding crisis—and more adaptable as other challenges arise in the future.


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