Fertility Survey
We also want to know how this pandemic has affected fertility patients. If you’re going through IVF or fertility treatment, you can take our short survey sharing your experience here.
FASD – Draft Quality Standards
NICE have reopened a postponed consultation their Draft Quality Standards on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), with closes on September 18th. We are deeply concerned about the implications for women of these proposals. Under the measures, a woman will be asked at every antenatal appointment about any alcohol she has drunk, and the information transferred – without her consent being sought – to her child’s medical records. There is simply no robust evidence of harm to the pregnancy at lower levels of consumption so we cannot understand how a woman’s right to medical privacy could be overridden in this way.
As we’ve published in the BMJ, we believe this is a misplaced focus. These proposals are made without reference to informed consent or any potential consequences and harms that could arise from this framework. We support greater assistance for those affected by alcohol consumption in pregnancy, but we do not believe these proposals will achieve that goal and we can see how they will seriously undermine women’s own rights in pregnancy.
The NICE consultation on their Quality Standards on FASD runs until 18th September. Please do drop us an email at [email protected] if you would like to know more about our concerns. You can also read our full briefing here.
WRISK Survey
Have you been pregnant or given birth since 12th March?
We are interested in how messages about risk, COVID-19, and pregnancy have been communicated to you, and your experiences of maternity services during the pandemic. If you feel comfortable sharing your experience, please consider taking our survey here.
My Body, My Life survey
Have you needed an abortion during Covid-19? If so, MybodyMyLife, a project supported by BPAS, would like to hear fro you. If you would like to contribute, are aged 16+ and based in the UK or Ireland please email [email protected] for more information.