Pod for the Cause. Up next: A conversation with Cristela Alonzo
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We're discussing the US census
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Your response on the census... it counts. One and a half trillion dollars in federal funding for community resources like health care, education, and infrastructure are on the line.

Tune into this week's Pod for the Cause — The Leadership Conference's podcast with guest host Cristela Alonzo — as we discuss how critical the 2020 Census is to our country and your community.

We'll cover why an accurate census count is vital in getting your community the funding and political power you deserve, why some people may be hesitant to fill it out themselves, and how quick and easy the census is to actually complete.

On September 30, America's chance to respond to the 2020 Census will be over. Learn why it matters and how you can encourage people to respond today!

And if you haven't subscribed to Pod for the Cause already, do it now! Be a part of the conversation. Let's use our voices to secure our rights.

—The Leadership Conference
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