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'Once again, we’re moving at the pace of capitalism and not at the pace of saving human life. That’s the real reason we’re reopening schools—so people can go back to work.'

— Natasha Capers, director of the Coalition for Educational Justice

News of the Week


From school to school and district to district, differing infection rates and resource levels will make for disparate experiences this fall.

Fear of Traffic and Crashes as New Yorkers Skip Subway for Cars and Bikes
Driving, cycling and bus usage have all rebounded somewhat since the first two months of the pandemic, but subway and commuter rail ridership remain low.

Does NYC Need Drop-Boxes to Survive Election 2020?
Following a chaotic June 23 primary count in which more than 84,000 mail-in ballots were invalidated, some lawmakers are pushing for new options for voters who want to avoid polling places.

Preparing for the New School Year, in Polish
For the 10,000 students attending Polish Language Schools on the East Coast, remote learning in the Spring meant renewed connections to Poland. What lies ahead is uncertain.

No Longer a ‘Cluster Site,’ But Problems Remain for Tenants
Dead rodents, broken lights and missing smoke detectors are among the issues at one property moved out of the controversial housing program.

Concerns Remain About School Reopening, Advocate Says
'Delaying school for 10 days without calling for adequate funding so that schools can meet the needs of this moment, it does nothing,' said Asamia Diaby, the New York City campaigns organizer for the Alliance for Quality Education

Other Voices in the UWS Homeless Hotel Controversy
The story of the de Blasio administration’s decision to move more than 700 homeless people to four hotels in the area has focused on the complaints of a group of UWS residents who claim the arrivals have threatened public safety and damaged the neighborhood. 

First Lady Apologizes for MWBE Language Excluding Asians
Public pronouncements about effort to expand MWBE assistance didn’t mention the 1.2 million-member population group.

Protests in Brooklyn and Across Nation in Face of Eviction Wave
According to a recent National Low Income Housing Coalition report, from 30 to 40 million renters could be at risk of eviction, including a million in New York.

Debate in Gowanus About Whether to Pause or Push Rezoning
The last de Blasio era rezoning plan is moving into a public review, where the pros and cons of virtual engagement will be on display.

Another Court Win for City Hall Against Critics of Development Schemes
It was the second legal victory in as many months for City Hall in a matter involving a development project approved over community opposition.

Black and Latino Workers Still Seeing Higher Unemployment
The rates have fallen since their May highs, but the gap with Whites remains wide.



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Una Ciudad sin Límites


Los trabajadores hispanos y afroamericanos enfrentan las mayores pérdidas de empleo a lo largo de la pandemia
Según las últimas cifras del departamento de trabajo del estado de Nueva York, el Bronx, el condado con mayor número de hispanos, tiene la mayor tasa de desempleo de todo el estado: 24.9 por ciento.

Empleada de lavandería en disputa con su empleador
Los defensores de los trabajadores de lavandería dicen que uno de cada cinco trabajadores recibe $10 dólares o menos por hora, una violación de los requisitos de salario mínimo en la ciudad de Nueva York.


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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics


Opinion: The Window is Closing to Rezone for a More Equitable SoHo
‘We need fewer barriers to access and more affordable housing. With just over a year left in this administration, rezoning SoHo is an important legacy that shouldn’t be pushed off any longer,’ says Jessica Katz, the executive director of Citizens Housing & Planning Council.

Opinion: On the UWS, a Privileged Rage Greets the Homeless
‘What we are witnessing on the UWS is a group proudly boasting their shared belief that their perceived safety and protection of property values matter more than the lives of others, and have always mattered more than the lives of others,’ says Meg Sullivan, the Director of JCC Harlem.

Opinion: Canners Shouldn’t Be Blamed for Gaps in Recycling Capture
‘The city ought to clarify that canning is legal, revoke the obscure laws that occasionally levy fines against canners, and provide support to organizations that provide water, shelter, advocacy, and community to canners,’ says Shanti Escalante-De Matteo.

Opinion: COVID-19 Showed us Life Without Grand Juries. It Was an Improvement.
‘The grand jury—which one former jurist said would indict a ham sandwich—has long outlived its usefulness and instead acts as the prosecutor’s puppet.  It is well past time for it to be relegated to the trash heap of history,' says Dan Curbelo Zeidman, a Public Defender.

Opinion: After Feds’ Failure, NYS Must Crack Down on Air Pollution
‘Recent research shows that long-term exposure to particulate-matter air pollution increases the likelihood of severe COVID-19 outcomes. And people of color are disproportionately affected,' says Ruthie Lazenby and Sarah DeSouza.


Fall 2020 Interns Wanted 

City Limits is currently accepting applications for its CLARIFY (City Limits Accountability Reporting Initiative for Youth) journalism internship for the fall of 2020.

This is an excellent opportunity for young people interested in media, writing and/or civic issues. Because of COVID-19 safety concerns, the program will take place remotely.

The fall internship will take place on Zoom twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for nine weeks, starting Sept. 29 and ending Nov. 24.

Start date: Sept. 29
Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. (remote)
Deadline to apply: Sept. 13 at midnight

To apply, please complete and submit our online application form here.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact youth program manager Jeanmarie Evelly at [email protected].

Job Board
Our job board is full of positions in New York's public sector. Explore more jobs here.

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