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A Scots MP has petitioned the House of Commons to abolish the unelected House of Lords - warning that it is one of only two parliamentary bodies in the world
that reserves places for the clergy.
A prominent British human rights lawyer is convening an independent tribunal in London to investigate whether the Chinese government's alleged rights abuses
against Uighur Muslims constitute genocide or crimes against humanity.
Councillor Pat Berryman allegedly accused a member of "weaponising your religion" when they asked for arrangements to be made in meetings for those fasting
during Ramadan.
It is hardly a stretch to suppose that someone out there might consider a satirical or derogatory depiction of the Islamic prophet Mohammed offensive and
report it to police, says Stephen Daisley.
Facebook has banned a politician from India's ruling party over alleged hate speech on the social media service after facing strong condemnation over its
inaction and handling of similar posts.
One of the largest collections of online material belonging to Islamic State has been discovered by researchers at the Institute of Strategic Dialogue.
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