Pats and Chats coming up this weekend
Dear John, 

I've had a frenetic few days with Parliament winding down (again) for the election, some travel around the country, and of course the campaign in Hutt South. As luck would have it, today is my birthday so I'm looking forward to a night off with Jenna and then it's back onto the campaign trail tomorrow!

Tomorrow I'm starting the first of some regular street corner meetings. Door-knocking isn't possible in Level 2, so I'm starting regular "Pats and Chats" with Ladyhawke. If you want to have a chat, ask a question or just say hello, please come along. I'll be outside Kelson Four Square from 1pm tomorrow, and then outside Korokoro School from 2pm. Watch my Facebook for new locations/times next weekend too.

Speaking of the election campaign, a few people have asked me how they can help out - please flick me a message if you're keen to assist. There's plenty of things to do - from delivering letters/leaflets, hosting a hoarding, phone-calling, donating, and scrutineering. I do really appreciate all the help I get from people in the community and I couldn't do what I do without your support.

The big news in Parliament of the last week was the government's $11.7 million grant to the private "Green School" in Taranaki. The story developed over the week, with news that the Treasury opposed the grant, then it turned out there was some weird activity involving crystals planned at the school, and then the claims of "Greenwash", that James Shaw had threatened the whole "shovel-ready" fund if the Green School wasn't included in the final package. I've been contacted by many people furious about the grant - they can think of plenty of actual "shovel-ready" things in schools to spend the money on, rather than $200k per student to an elite school that doesn't even have full registration as a school yet and that is targeting international students who can't come into the country. As it happens, Judith Collins, Nicola Willis and I were in New Plymouth on Monday, and we announced a big package called the "Fix NZ Schools Alliance", to upgrade school buildings around New Zealand. You can read more about our plan.

Locally, it's been a busy couple of weeks. I've spoken to quite a few groups of young people, particularly at schools, about our democracy, voting, and the role of a MP. This is something I really enjoy and always prioritise in my diary so if you want me to come and speak to a group of people, please just contact me. I also really enjoyed walking 10 kilometres for mental health with a group of Year 12 and 13s from Hutt Valley High last Friday. This has become an annual event organised entirely by the senior leaders and is a great initiative. Boy was I tired at the end of it though! On Saturday night it was great to attend the annual quiz run by the Delphinium Trust - an annual fundraiser for a good cause supporting youth locally. This year the recipient was Youth Inspire which assists young people into employment, training and education. 

Have a great weekend and to all the Dads out there - enjoy Father's Day on Sunday.


P.S My final speech in Parliament for the term was in last week's General Debate. You can view it here. It's about our transport plan, and the PM's claim we're just funding roads.
Pats and Chats!
Swing by tomorrow for a "pat and a chat!"
Onesie Day
Today was Onesie Day, the annual fundraiser for Wellington Free Ambulance. Usually I'd be out collecting on the street, but that was cancelled due to Covid Level 2. So after a Facebook poll to pick my most popular onesie, I wore this on the way home from Rotorua this morning! Please give generously to Wellington Free - they do a great job.
Fix NZ Schools Alliance
On Monday we announced our "Fix New Zealand Schools Alliance" plan at New Plymouth Boys' High School. This is a $2 billion investment over the next five years, ON TOP of existing capital allocations to schools such as 5YA funding. The money will be for schools to repair leaky buildings, earthquake strengthen, address mould and dampness issues, modernise, and upgrade classrooms.

I know of many schools in the Hutt that will benefit greatly from this money. It is a HUGE investment in our future. Read more here.
Young Enterprise Scheme
A couple of Saturdays ago I spent a couple of hours at the Young Enterprise Market Day at the Dowse, checking out what companies had been formed at our local schools! I'm a big fan of Young Enterprise having participated when I was at school myself, learning absolutely heaps about business. So every year I try and get along to the market day to see the products/services - and in past years I've helped out with business development and judging the Dragons' Den competition but sadly I didn't have time this year.

Izzy and Olivia from St Oran's were there on Saturday selling their coffee body scrubs, made from reused coffee grounds from local cafes. A very cool idea and cool name - "Raw Brew". I thought you rubbed it on your face but Izzy and Olivia told me I was an idiot and said it was for the rest of your body.

The problem with many scrubs on the market at the moment is that they use plastic microbeads as their exfoliant with big environmental consequences. Coffee is totally biodegradable and great for you!

A jar is $12.99 and you can buy from their website.
Melling Train Line
National's Transport Package includes a commitment to investigate extending the Melling train line to Kelson.

This is something I'm really keen on making happen if we can do it. We're not committing to it at this point as we need to do the work to make sure it's possible, but it's something that is worth seriously looking at.

The Melling train line used to go all the way to Kelson, and then further up the valley to Silverstream. In fact that was the main Hutt Valley line until the rail line on the eastern side of the Valley was developed (that's the current Hutt Valley line).

Housing growth in Kelson and surrounding areas means it's worth looking at extending the line. It would allow Kelson/Belmont commuters to jump on the train at the bottom of the hill rather than travel down to Melling, like at present.

If elected we will start the investigation work in our first term. If you're wondering, the new Melling interchange allows the rail line to be extended.
Visit to Konini School

Really enjoyed speaking to Konini School last week about leadership!

Second Access into Wainuiomata

National's Wellington and Hutt Transport Package includes a commitment to investigate a second access into Naenae.

This has been a controversial issue in the past, but our view is that it's worth looking at again. The two primary arguments in favour of a new access road are resilience and housing. Wainuiomata has just one way in and out, so a second access would increase the resilience of the area. A second argument is that a new access road would allow an increase in housing on rural land in Upper Fitzherbert Road.

National will work with the Hutt Council to start the investigations.

Congrats Jodie Winterburn JP
Congratulations to Jodie Winterburn who was sworn in as a JP at the Hutt Valley District Court. The presiding District Court judge was my old honours supervisor, Judge (Bill) Hastings!
Little bear keeps me and Judith company
Nice to have the company!
Petone Espresso
Make sure you check out  Petone Espresso in Te Puni St, Petone! In with Hunting and Fishing Petone. Just opened. Called in for a quick coffee on Wednesday.
Days Bay - How Good?
Days Bay. How good. Such a beautiful part of the Hutt.
International Dog Day
Was International Dog Day last week - Ladyhawke came to Parliament!
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