Dear John,

Did you know that Oregon’s forests play a major role in fighting climate change? Our moss-shrouded temperate forests aren’t just beautiful—they also store more carbon than almost any other ecosystem on Earth!

And, yet, the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) continues to put the timber industry’s plans above Oregon’s future. When ODF was asked to develop a climate action plan in response to Governor Brown’s executive order, they insisted that their usual methods—aka clearcutting—work just fine. 

Let’s be clear: clearcutting is not a climate solution. We need to protect and sustainably manage our forests so they can keep doing what they do best—sequestering carbon—for generations to come. Send an email to ODF, and ask them to develop a real climate action plan for Oregon’s forests!

Our forests do so much for us. They filter our drinking water. They provide shady spots for salmon to flourish in a warming world. They offer much-needed habitat for endangered animals like Humboldt marten and marbled murrelets. They provide us with life-filled places to explore and connect with nature. And, as wildfires and drought grow more extreme, well-managed forests can help keep our communities safe and resilient. 

I hope you’ll join us in emailing ODF, and asking them to come up with a plan that respects the power of our forests. Instead of listening to industry pressure to clearcut for short-term profit, ODF needs to create a plan that will keep Oregon’s forests healthy and climate-change-fighting in the long-term. Please send a message today, so our forests can continue to benefit all Oregonians, and not just timber companies.

Thank you,

Julia DeGraw
Coalition Director, OLCV

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