| | Dear John, We are so excited to share important news from the Bay Area "Shift the Narrative" initiative, a regional project dedicated to advancing housing and racial justice. NPH has been proud to serve as the anchor organization to this intitiative's collaborative table, working in partnership to transform the way the Bay Area understands and communicates about affordable housing and housing justice in service of creating a more favorable environment to win policy solutions. Today, we're delighted to invite you to a 3-part web series that starts September 16, to unveil and share the Bay Area-specific “Seize the Narrative” Playbook, which offers research-driven and field-practiced strategies, tactics, and messages that can seize this powerful moment to drive new narratives for our movement. The Playbook builds from local lay of the land, field analysis, and a robust regional research program -- as well as collaboration and coordination with state and national housing justice researchers, organizers, and narrative experts -- to offer concrete guidance on how to advance housing and racial justice here, locally and regionally, to support policy wins and system change. | Leading experts, researchers, and message strategists -- including Dr Tiffany Manuel, EMC Research, M+R, and others -- will offer you a chance to review the Playbook’s strategies and message guidance, dig deep into our Bay Area-specific research, and explore application ahead in your own work. | | | | | | | |
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| We’ll be releasing copies of the official Playbook leading up to these sessions. Be sure to register to get your copy and be part of these interactive sessions! |
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| Session 1: Unveiling the Shift the Narrative Playbook: Moving a Housing Justice Agenda Forward Wednesday September 16 (12pm - 2pm) In the housing and community development space, we are often battling the dominance of narratives that do not serve the goals of equity, inclusion, anti-racism or justice. Yet, how we shift away from those narratives to better ones, requires us to be strategic and intentional about how we lift up the solutions we propose. Our recently released playbook offers important guidance from research we conducted in the Bay Area, as well as collaboration and coordination with state and national housing justice researchers, organizers, and narrative experts. The playbook offers a window into narrative shift, gives us ways to unseat unhelpful dominant narratives, and allows us to mobilize people to action. In this session, we will review the primary findings, share examples and discuss how we can use this playbook to focus the Bay around a housing justice agenda. |
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| | Session 2: Shift the Narrative Research Wednesday September 23 (12pm - 2pm) Over the course of the past year, the Shift the Narrative table has engaged almost 2,000 people across the Bay Area to understand the promise and possibilities of narrative shift. To do this work well, we engaged the help of quantitative and qualitative researchers who have deep expertise in narratives, opinion polling, campaigns and grass-roots organizing. In this session, our researchers will talk about how the research was conducted, talk about what surprised them and alternatively, what inspired them in conducting the research. They will share some additional findings from their research and allow you to ask all kinds of tough challenges. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to ask the experts on the research side of our work. |
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| | Session 3: Moving from Messaging to Narrative Wednesday September 30 (12pm - 2pm) In the last of our three sessions, we will explore what it means to move from the research to the act of creating narratives. What does it take to move from messaging guidance to putting words to action, to telling powerful stories, to advancing your truth in the midst of the research findings? With both our researchers and our campaign experts in the room, we’ll discuss how we grow the narratives around housing justice in the Bay Area and explore examples from other parts of the country. |
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| | Hear Seize the Narrative in Action at the NPH Conference! Friday, September 25 (2:20pm - 3:35pm) Join with fellow practitioners as part of the Non-Profit Housing Association’s “Our Movement, Our Moment” Fall Conference! In this session, connect with project participants engaging in narrative work to learn about specific case studies and applications and explore how to apply in your own work ahead. Featuring Catherine Bracy (Tech Equity), Ryan Nicole (Eastside Arts Alliance), and Debra Ballinger (Monument Impact), dig in on what narrative shift means for our work, discuss Bay Area-specific research findings and recommendations, and review practical application and opportunities ahead. |
| | Please note tickets grant full NPH conference access, including to our keynote “The Future We Create Together: Affordable Housing, Racial and Economic Justice, and System Change.” |
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| | Thank you, Alina Harway, NPH Communications Director |
| | Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine Street Suite 350 | San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160 | [email protected] |
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