The Latino vote can stop Trump.

Jesús "Chuy" García for Congress

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It’s up to all of us to stop Donald Trump in November. What we know from 2016 is that this election is going to be decided by tight margins in swing states — and it could all come down to the Latino vote.

Donate $5 or what you can to help us hit the streets to register and turn out Latino voters in our communities >>>

Our Latino outreach program is focused on three actions:

1. Engage
2. Organize
3. Empower

Engagement is the key. A record 32 million Latino voters are eligible to vote. But in a recent study, only 24% of registered Latino voters reported being contacted by Democrats in 2020.

We must organize to close that gap. And it’s why grassroots organizing is our super power — it’s conversations that happen around kitchen tables, at protests, food drives, and community events that make a difference. We are meeting people where they are with a powerful message that is rooted in our shared experiences. We (literally and figuratively) speak their language.

Empowering through action. Everyday we sign up more activists and grassroots organizers from communities across Chicagoland and beyond. These leaders empower others who push our message further and further. When we build a movement that grows organically from the ground up, our voices and our power can’t be stopped.

But we need your help to continue our work. In order to win, we need to keep showing up, keep reaching out, and engage voters who have been left behind for too long. Contribute $5, $10, or $25 to help us continue building our voting power >>>

We aren’t taking anyone’s vote for granted. Together, we will stop Trump and start building a future for our communities, by our communities.

¡Sí se puede!

Team Chuy


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Paid for by Chuy Garcia for Congress

Chuy Garcia for Congress
137 N 14th Ave
Melrose Park IL 60160 United States