Help Launch 60 Days of Struggle Demanding #TrumpPenceOutNOW
...building up the power and strength of masses of people of all nationalities - front line workers, artists, younger and older ones, Black people, immigrants, LGBTQ, women -- all those who act in the interests of humanity, in the streets in non-violent protest.
TELL THE WORLD: we are uniting, we are organizing, we are determined, we are preparing to struggle with all we’ve got...Starting Now and Not Stopping Until the Trump/Pence Regime is Driven from Power and its Fascist Program Brought to a Halt.
>> Join in one of 24 protests Saturday. It's not too late to get 60 days of struggle going where you are.
>> Help spread the word TODAY about Saturday's protests. 4 generous donors have pledged to match the next $3000 in donations which will be used on social media to promote them. What you give today will be doubled. Donate -- you are part this historic movement to stop an American fascism.

Donate quickly on
Venmo @Refuse-Fascism
CashApp $RefuseFascism
Hear from Bishop Gregg Greer of Freedom First International on why he's supporting mass sustained nonviolent protest demanding #TrumpPenceOutNOW:

and from singer Lalah Hathaway:

More support statements here from Cornel West, religious leaders, relatives of people killed by police, activists, writers.
Protests in 24 cities Saturday September 5

Donate quickly on Paypal
Venmo @Refuse-Fascism
CashApp $RefuseFascism 917 407 1286