
Despite how deeply our communities our hurting, it is clear that the Senate still does not feel any urgency to pass a comprehensive COVID-19 relief package despite the continued toll of their inaction on the lives and livelihoods of America’s families.

Next week is our big opportunity to dial up the pressure and get this done. Join us Tuesday and Wednesday for 24 hours of action.

We have all been pushing for this for months, and September is the final window to get to a meaningful package. It’s been 111 days since the House passed the HEROES Act – legislation that took meaningful steps to combatting the crises that grips this country. Our community fought hard for that bill, and now we need to finish the effort as Congress comes back into session next week. Here’s how you can plug in:

Tuesday, September 8: Kick-off Call

  • 3 PM ET: Join advocates for health equity, racial justice and economic empowerment to discuss how we as a community can push the Senate to act on a comprehensive package. We will be joined by special guests and we will share new messaging and communications resources to support you in your advocacy. Register here
Wednesday, September 9: Digital Day of Action

To strengthen this effort even further, please feel free to share these events with your own networks.

In solidarity,
Melissa Burroughs
Senior Strategic Partnerships Manager

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Health Action Network

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