Celebrating 16 Years of Empowering Conservative Women
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Dear John,

Thank you for being a friend of the Network of enlightened Women! We are pleased to celebrate 16 wonderful years of empowering women this month on September 29. It is an honor to see how NeW impacts conservative women on campuses and in their communities on a daily basis. In 16 years, NeW has helped students land jobs and internships, get published, and learn about policy. In celebration of our 16th Anniversary, 16 NeW women shared why NeW is important to them and how it has changed their college experience.

"I believe that NeW is important because campuses are the unsung battlegrounds for the fight to save America and preserving our founding principles and our Constitution. The left thrives on belittling women and making them feel like they have to be victims to succeed, whereas I think conservatives empower women to preserve the country and uplift women. There is no shame in being a conservative woman and I don’t think the left is right in telling us that we’re victims for anything we believe." - Gabby Reichardt, President of NeW at Colorado State University
"The Network of enlightened Women has become such an important part of my time in college. I have had incredible experiences and gained knowledge and skills that will help me in life and my future career. I will always appreciate the confidence I have gained and the friendships NeW has given me." - Alexis Whiteford, Secretary of NeW at Baylor University
"NeW is important to me because it brings like-minded, conservative women together to promote conservatism and create a community on liberal college campuses. Oftentimes, conservative clubs or College Republicans can be male dominated, so NeW is a perfect outlet for women who want to grow in their beliefs together with other women." - Grace Ogden, President of NeW at Cornell University
"Had it not been for NeW, I would not have had the opportunity to meet so many other like-minded women to inspire and challenge me to strive for what I once deemed unattainable, or even have the chance to express my thoughts in writing and have it published. I am so deeply grateful for NeW for opening doors in, not only my life, but the lives of so many other young women across this country." - Hannah Kim, Vice President of NeW at the University of South Florida
"I love NeW because it has introduced me to a community of women who inspire me to continue to promote freedom, ideological diversity, and the empowerment of women at Xavier University and beyond." - Miranda Basta, Chief of Staff of NeW at Xavier University
"NeW is a place where women can belong, and feel safe as a minority on their campus, or even after college in the workplace. NeW connects conservative women to a larger network of like-minded women who can support them. For women on liberal campuses and in suffocating work environments, this connection and support can make all the difference." - Hannah Lyon, Colorado Christian University and NeW Summer Intern
"NeW has not only been amazing for me in terms of building up my career and leadership abilities, but has also made a significant impact on my personal life. Through NeW I have found friendship and sisterhood that has made my college experience even more fulfilling." - Chloe Sparwath, President of NeW at the University of Virginia
"It is crucial that women have a space for free thought, speech, and expression in universities, and NeW is that space." - Emma Foley, Treasurer of NeW at Boston College
"NeW is an incredible organization centered around empowering women. I love this organization because I have been able to meet so many great women and we have encouraged one another to speak out on conservative beliefs." - Lila Fraser, President of NeW at Mercer University
"Having a NeW chapter on campus is so important to me because it allows young conservative women like myself to bond through our similarities and have open and respectful conversation about key political matters." - Abby Daniels, Vice President of Membership for NeW at American University
"Having a NeW chapter on campus is something I never take for granted. NeW not only provides me with amazing opportunities to network and learn more about the world, but it also gives students the opportunity to express views that are not exactly popular on college campuses. Having the support and solidarity of others is crucial when you want to break the status quo." - Jordan Mercer, President of NeW at College of Charleston
"My favorite thing about NeW is the network of amazing women who know that real feminism isn’t the victimhood that the left panders, it’s being allowed to decide for yourself what’s best for you." - Nicole Divers, President of NeW at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"I think it is so important for conservative women to have a community where they feel supported instead of torn down, especially on college campuses. The support system that NeW has given me has allowed me to make tons of great friends and learn a lot about what it takes to be a conservative woman in politics!" - Mallory Schaevsky, President of NeW at the University of Michigan
"NeW is so important to me because it is the place where I feel most comfortable speaking my mind and where I develop connections with women who support and inspire me." - Maura Schlee, Events Coordinator for NeW at The Catholic University of America
"Throughout my experience with NeW, I have been given the opportunity to empower and mentor other young conservative women through founding and serving as President of NeW at College of Charleston. NeW helped me find confidence in my conservative views, as well as my passion and motivation to lead others." - Charlotte Townsend, Co-Founder of NeW at College of Charleston
"NeW provides me with an opportunity to network with other conservative women that I can't get anywhere else." - Maddie Bollweg, President of NeW at Augustana University

We are proud of these women for standing strong on their campuses and finding a community with one another, despite the pressures to conform to the liberal mindset of their professors and peers.

We invite you to join us in empowering the next generation of conservative female leaders.


Karin Lips
President of NeW
NeW in the News

2020 NeW Essay Contest
We were excited to announce the winners of the 2020 NeW Essay Contest on August 26, Women’s Equality Day. The winner of the College Category is Hannah Kim from the University of South Florida and NeW Chapter Leader. The winner of the High School Category is Brooke Barham from the Academy of Arts, Careers, and Technology in Reno, Nevada. Their winning essays were published in the Washington Examiner, co-sponsor of the contest.
Other News
Read some of the new pieces by NeW women.
Upcoming Events
NeW at the University of Michigan hosts State Representative Ann Bollin
Thursday, September 3 at 6pm EST
Join the Zoom event

The Supreme Court in 2020
Tuesday, September 8 at 2pm EST
Facebook Live with Sarah Isgur, Staff Writer for The Dispatch

NeW at The Catholic University of America hosts Karin Lips
Wednesday, September 9 at 6pm EST

NeW at the University of Florida First Meeting
Thursday, September 10 at 6:30pm EST

NeW Fall Book Club
Starts September 14, 2020
We are reading The Mind of a Conservative Woman by Senator Marsha Blackburn.
Register Today

NeW at The George Washington University Trivia Night
Tuesday, September 15

NeW at Dickinson College hosts Karin Lips
Wednesday, September 23 at 5:30pm EST

Navigating Challenging Situations in the Workplace
Wednesday, September 23 at 5:30pm EST
The NeW Columbus Professional Network is partnering with AFF Columbus to host Aaron Baer, President of Citizens for Community Values. 
Register Today

NeW at Mercer University hosts Karin Lips
Wednesday, September 23 at 6pm EST
Ensuring Another 16 Years of Empowering Conservative Women

Are you inspired by the work NeW has done over the past 16 years? Your support makes a difference for women like Gabby, Alexis, Grace, Hannah, Miranda, Hannah, Chloe, Emma, Lila, Abby, Jordan, Nicole, Mallory, Maura, Charlotte, and Maddie, and helps us provide a place of belonging for conservative women. Will you please consider making a tax-deductible gift of $16, $160, $1,600, or your most generous gift and partner with us to grow this community for another 16 years?

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