Let's End Dark Money

More than a week ago, I started investigating Liberty Alliance USA, Missouri's newest dark money organization. Unsurprisingly, this one also has ties to the Eric Greitens machine and the Koch network.

Along with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, I discovered that the organization was illegally soliciting donations in Missouri; it had not registered with the Missouri Attorney General. I informed the Attorney General two Fridays ago and called for an investigation.

That weekend, I discovered that the organization was already inserting itself into the 2020 elections, attacking a candidate for state senate. I informed the Post-Dispatch.

After the weekend, Liberty Alliance USA filed its paperwork with the Attorney General. I only learned that from the newspaper. The Attorney General hasn't responded to my request for an investigation.

Our Attorney General is bought. He has no interest in stopping dark money. He did nothing to stop this organization from illegally fundraising and influencing our elections. Our Attorney General's campaign PAC fundraiser is Eric Greitens' dark money fundraiser.

Buying the Attorney General was a savvy political move. He's the one with the power to stop it. But they didn't count on us.

We need a new Attorney General. And with folks like this willing to sell out our state, we need new laws too.

Last session, I proposed a law that would ban dark money without relying on the Attorney General. The Speaker of the House refused to assign the bill to a committee, effectively killing the bill.

We're starting much earlier this time around. We need to make our voices heard.

If you want to see our democracy work, if you want to end the corruption that is buying Jefferson City, sign the petition. It takes less than a minute to do.

And then share it. Send it out as an email, put it on Facebook and Twitter, text it to your friends. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/2krWzGu

This campaign for Attorney General has never been about one person. It's always been about making Missouri a better home for all of us.

Let's end dark money.

Sign the Petition to End Dark Money
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Where We're Going Next

September 3: Jefferson County
September 4: Mountain View
September 5: Springfield
September 6: Ripley County
September 10: Dent County
September 11: Kansas City
September 14: Hyde Park
September 14: Pulaski County
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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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