No images? Click here Welcome to The Corner. In this issue, we introduce our new report on Amazon, which reveals how the corporation built a surveillance infrastructure to monitor its workers’ every move, and we announce the Oct. 27 publication of Monopolies Suck, the new book by Open Markets Director of Enforcement Sally Hubbard. ![]() Groundbreaking Open Markets Report Exposes Amazon’s Omnipresent Surveillance of Its Workers The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the use of surveillance software by employers, and Amazon is leading this troubling trend. Amazon continuously and pervasively surveils its more than 800,000 workers, and this surveillance harms workers in a variety of ways. Amazon uses surveillance to deter workers from legal efforts to unionize, and to make it easier for the corporation to terminate workers for deviating from metrics the workers don’t even know exist. The surveillance also harms the health and mental well-being of workers. For example, Amazon requires its warehouse workers to use item scanners that count down the number of seconds within which employees must complete their assigned tasks. Amazon’s process creates the psychological effect of a constant “low-grade panic” to work faster. To call attention to this vital issue, the Open Markets Institute on Monday released a report titled “Eyes Everywhere: Amazon’s Surveillance Infrastructure and Revitalizing Worker Power.” Our groundbreaking report was covered by Reuters, The New York Times, The Independent,, Channel News Asia, Vice, Fortune, The Hill’s Rising, and The National Post. In our report, we present overwhelming evidence that workers do not have a second of privacy from the moment they walk onto Amazon’s premises. For some employees, Amazon’s surveillance infrastructure is even attached to their bodies, in the form of item scanners. When employees fall behind Amazon’s productivity rate (e.g., packages processed per hour), software in the scanners reprimands the employees who spend too much “time off task.” The reprimands include official warnings and even termination. As we report, Amazon has set up cameras throughout the warehouses, to monitor employees’ every word and movement. When these cameras capture workers stealing items from a warehouse, Amazon displays the images on giant television screens. The practice publicly shames the people caught stealing and bluntly reminds workers that the company is watching them at all times — and that any deviation from Amazon’s rules will result in severe punishment and humiliation. Beyond the individual harm that Amazon’s surveillance causes, the corporation’s practices also deter and prevent workers from unionizing. In an exclusive interview with Open Markets, Hibaq Mohamed, an Amazon warehouse worker in Minneapolis, said that Amazon uses its surveillance infrastructure to move around employees whom management suspects of collectively organizing. Our new report also highlights how Amazon’s surveillance practices embody one of the signature problems of monopoly power: the ability to limit not just the salaries of workers, but also their freedom and privacy. Importantly, the problem is not limited to Amazon. Other dominant corporations, such as Walmart, are adopting similar practices. Walmart recently purchased facial recognition software to identify workers and customers in its stores and monitor their productivity, location, and purchases. In our report, we present a raft of policy solutions for Congress, state legislators, federal and state agencies, and antitrust enforcers to enact new worker protections and prevent the formation of dominant corporations. Specifically, Congress and state legislators should pass legislation requiring employers to obtain approval for surveillance practices. Federal agencies should enact bright-line merger rules, to limit not just monopolization but concentration of power and control over workers. Read the full report here. ![]()
MONOPOLIES SUCK 7 Ways Big Corporations Rule Your Life and How to Take Back Control Simon & Schuster will publish Monopolies Suck by Sally Hubbard on Oct. 27. The book is the first by Hubbard, who is Open Markets’ director of enforcement strategy. Hubbard examines how modern monopolies rob Americans of a healthy food supply, the ability to care for the sick, and a habitable planet, because monopolies use business practices that deplete rather than generate. Monopolists also threaten fair elections, our free press, our privacy, and, ultimately, the American Dream, Hubbard shows. In Monopolies Suck, Hubbard reminds readers that antitrust enforcers already have the tools to dismantle corporate power and that decisive action must be taken before monopolies undermine our economy and democracy for generations to come. In Monopolies Suck, Sally provides an important new view of America’s monopoly crisis and of the political and economic harms of concentrated private power. Pre-order your copy here. 🔊 ANTI-MONOPOLY RISING:
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Liberty From All Masters The New American Autocracy vs. The Will of the People St. Martins Press will publish Open Markets Executive Director Barry Lynn’s new book, Liberty From All Masters, on September 29. The book is Barry’s first since Cornered, in 2010. In it, he details how Google, Amazon, and Facebook developed the ability to manipulate the flow of news, information, and business in America, and are transforming this power into autocratic systems of control. Barry then details how Americans over the course of two centuries built a “System of Liberty,” and shows how we Americans can put this system to work again today. Pre-order your copy here. 🔎 TIPS? COMMENTS? SUGGESTIONS? We would love to hear from you—just reply to this e-mail and drop us a line. Give us your feedback, alert us to competition policy news, or let us know your favorite story from this issue. |