As the President of the Postal Workers Union, I’m honored to be fighting alongside Our Revolution to save the post office from Donald Trump’s attacks and schemes to steal the 2020 election. So many Americans rely on the postal service for necessities like medication, and in this pandemic, we are relying on mail to exercise our fundamentally American right to vote safely. And postal workers ourselves rely on this important work to provide a future for our families. The bottom line is this: we’re all family in this fight to save the postal service. If you believe in voting rights and labor rights, click here to stand with postal workers and stand against Trump’s unpatriotic attack on the USPS!
Movements move Congress and the politicians, not the other way around. That’s why groups like Our Revolution that invest and commit to the hard work of movement building are so important. Our movement is standing up and demanding that politicians respect the 91% of Americans who have a positive view of the USPS. And it’s easy to see why. 630,000 postal workers have been delivering stimulus checks and tax refunds, masks, gloves, prescription medications, and other supplies to 160 million urban, suburban, rural and remote households. That’s why we are seeing so many people from different backgrounds rise up in this fight to save the postal service. But, before we go further, let’s recap how we got here. When Trump realized he was going to lose the election because his negligent mismanagement of the COVID-19 response led to over 175,000 deaths and rising, he appointed Louis DeJoy, a Republican megadonor with conflicts of interest and a record of supporting privatization, as Postmaster General.
Immediately, he acted swiftly to undercut the postal service in the midst of a pandemic. He supports Trump’s war on voting by mail, which the president claims (without foundation) would result in voter fraud. That’s why the work that Our Revolution is doing to mobilize their 600 active groups to save the postal service is so important. We are proud to fight alongside them against these attacks on the USPS and our right to vote. Trump and DeJoy want to break our postal service and steal this election. As Americans, we can’t afford to let them win. Sign here to stand with postal workers against the Trump Administration’s un-American assault on the USPS! Attacks against working people didn’t start with Donald Trump, but they have certainly accelerated. Every single administration that I can remember has sided with corporate power over working Americans. That’s why the movement-building work that we are doing with Our Revolution to create the conditions for structural change is so important. Nothing less than the right to vote and our future as Americans are at stake. It’s not enough to just beat Trump. We need long-term change for the working-class, and it’s going to take us all sticking together.

In solidarity,
Mark Dimondstein President of the American Postal Workers Union 