Building a foundation for future success on the road to recovery for people experiencing homelessness Email not displaying correctly?
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FIT-NH Crisis Recovery Fund Please Donate Now

Support Our Crisis Recovery Fund
A Road to Recovery in Support of our Mission 

A note from our new President, Maria Devlin:

Thank you for your ongoing support. Compassion and goodwill like yours are vital in fulfilling the basic needs of people who are underserved and facing unique challenges in our state.

Homelessness is not a new challenge in our state. However, the pandemic has drastically intensified the circumstances and strained resources for homelessness services. It is an issue that will need the strength and support of our community through this trying time and beyond. We are building a foundation for future success in the mission to provide hunger relief, emergency shelter, safe and affordable housing, and supportive services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

We have not seen the complete and long-term impact on the delivery of programs, and, most importantly, those we aim to serve, but we're starting the long road to recovery. It's only the beginning of the process, and we need your help.

When people are in need, you are there, and you always have been. And, I thank you for that!


   Maria Devlin
   President & CEO


Please consider helping to meet the demands
on the road to recovery ahead by making a gift...




Your gift to the Crisis Recovery Fund could provide:

$1,000: Mattresses, mats, cots, and blankets for emergency shelter and transitional living programs.
$500: Two hundred meals to individuals and families experiencing hunger and food insecurity who are part of our programs.
$250: Regular case management and supportive services for program participants.
$100: A night of shelter for one individual or family experiencing homelessness.
$50: Supply of basic necessities like backpacks, socks, and personal hygiene products.
If you are able, please make a gift by donating online at for an amount that suits your current situation. We understand that times are difficult for many, but please know that every dollar makes a difference.

You can visit our website to donate now. |

122 Market St. Manchester, NH 03101
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