
Climate change is not a distant threat -- it’s happening now.

July 2019 was the hottest month on record for the planet, towns are seeing so-called “hundred-year” floods every few years, and millions around the world are fleeing climate change-related drought and famine. And I don’t need to remind anyone currently being affected by Hurricane Dorian of the threat that increasingly destructive hurricanes pose to our coastal communities.

The time for talk is over. Today, I’m releasing my plan to combat climate change and create a 100% carbon neutral economy, millions of good-paying jobs, and a guaranteed right to clean air, water, and soil for all Americans.

When I’m president, here’s how we will do it:

  1. Directly invest over $3 trillion dollars by 2030 to build a 100% carbon neutral economy by 2045, spurring economic activity, creating millions of jobs where they are needed most, and empowering communities to have control and ownership over their energy systems and local environments.
  2. Accelerate the end of fossil fuels by immediately ending all fossil fuel subsidies, barring all new fossil fuel leases, banning fracking, and instituting a carbon fee and progressive climate dividend.
  3. Create the United States Environmental Justice Fund, led by a White House Advisor for Environmental Justice, charged with coordinating the most ambitious-ever federal effort to advance environmental justice and invest in communities long left behind.

Add your name to join me in addressing the threat of climate change and building a 100% clean energy economy by 2045.

Without deliberate, bold action, we risk an incredible human toll from disasters and health impacts, preventable national security threats, and trillions of dollars in economic losses.

To end the real and growing threat of climate change and to create a more just country for everyone, we must act boldly to create a green and equitable future. That’s exactly what I’ll do as president.

Will you stand with me in making the most sweeping investment to advance environmental justice?

The time to act is now. We can’t afford not to.


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