Fellow Conservative,
I was appalled when I read what The Washington Post said on Twitter today:
In other words the Communist Democrats are threatening more violence unless Joe Biden is elected.
I won't be bullied into submission or held for ransom by the radical left, and you can show me that you won't be either by chipping into my U.S. Senate campaign today.
Biden himself pulled the same stunt earlier this week when he promised more violence if President Trump is re-elected.
Every Democrat, especially my opponent Sen. Chris Coons, known in Delaware as Joe Biden's handler, is complicit in this intimidation tactic.
These people have rioted, looted, and burned our cities to the ground. More than 30 Americans are dead as a result of the rioting.
And they plan to continue unless they get their way in November.
Don't let them.
Help me stop the madness by contributing $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or whatever you can afford to my campaign today, and together we can restore law and order in our streets.
For America,
Lauren E. Witzke
Republican for U.S. Senate, Delaware
P.S. I have marched in the streets against these Communist thugs, and you can trust me to confront them with the full force of the law when I'm in Washington.
Watch me face down BLM and ANTIFA by clicking here.