Hi CLCV Member,  

With state legislators heading home for the year, we are ending this year’s legislative session with more inaction on the climate crisis. What’s most heartbreaking is the pain that families are feeling across the state as they battle fires, toxic air quality, extreme heat, rolling black outs, amid a respiratory pandemic - all of which are preventable. We know how to stop these worsening climate impacts and how to become more resilient to our changing climate, but our elected officials kicked the can down the road yet again this year.

Bills to address single-use plastics (AB 1080/SB 54) failed to get the final 4 votes needed to move forward in the final moments of this year’s legislative session. Legislation to stop oil companies from drilling near homes and schools (AB 345) died in Committee. An effort to protect 30% of our lands and waters by the year 2030 didn’t advance (AB 3030). And the Assembly Transportation Committee is still run by Jim Frazier, who is obstructing efforts to address the biggest source of climate emissions in our state.

Your contributions empower us to keep fighting for climate justice and holding our elected officials accountable.

CLCV Member, we only have until 2030 to prevent the most catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis and prepare for what’s happening, and right now there’s no clear vision or agenda from leadership in Sacramento on how to tackle this challenge. Big Oil and other industry interests have a hold on our state legislature and are putting our future at risk. There are a handful of elected officials in Sacramento who are fighting hard to advance climate justice, but their numbers are too few. We need bold swings, not baby steps, to meet this deadline — and voters are far ahead of our legislative leaders on this, with research showing this is their priority this cycle. 

The Governor’s and Legislator’s inaction this year will cost many Californians their lives and livelihoods. These are decisions with real impacts, and our communities deserve better. 

Support CLCV’s efforts to push for climate action and protect our future. 

Thank you for being in this fight with us,

Mary Creasman
Chief Executive Officer 
California League of Conservation Voters






We believe that radical change is necessary and only by transforming our political system will we create the opportunity to take bold action on climate change.  We conduct public opinion research, shape the public narrative, organize with allies and local communities, educate legislators on the most pressing environmental issues of our day, and grow our movement and set a bold policy direction. We inspire hope and action and fight for equity and justice for all Californians. We are in the business of changing what’s possible. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.