Hello —

I want to take a quick moment to explain why our fundraising goals are such an important part of our campaign. Here it goes:

Running a campaign of this size and importance is a difficult and expensive undertaking. On a daily basis, my campaign manager makes tough calls about the budget and our path to victory, like:

  • Increasing or decreasing our paid media budget in key markets to defend our campaign from GOP attacks;

  • Adding staff to make sure our organizing team has the manpower to reach as many voters as possible by Election Day (an especially challenging mission given this pandemic);

  • Covering the cost of our team safely traveling the state to meet voters and talk about why it’s critical we flip this Senate seat and end Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority.

And so much more!

Our fundraising goals — and your donations — ensure our campaign has the resources we need to do everything we can to win this single digit election.

When we fall short, like we did at the end of August, it gives Cory Gardner and Mitch McConnell a chance to steal this seat out from under us.

So that’s why we’re pushing so hard and why we’ve extended our fundraising deadline through Labor Day. It’s also why I’m personally asking you one more time to make a donation to my campaign. Anything — even $10 — makes a huge difference:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

It’s because of you that our campaign is in such a strong position to flip this seat and take back the Senate. Thanks in advance for stepping up and maybe — just maybe — giving our campaign manager a little less heartburn heading into the final stretch.

I appreciate you.

— John