
A toolkit for tower block tenants

...and other news from mySociety

August 2020


New website on the block

Last week saw the launch of FixMyBlock.

If you're thinking 'FixMyStreet for tower block tenants' (and to be fair, we can see why you would!), well, that's not quite what it is.

Instead, it's a toolkit that empowers residents to take action on dangerous living conditions. You can read all about the project — including that name — here.


Could Civic Tech have turned the pandemic around?

TICTeC continues its programme of online offerings with a zesty new series of seminars this Autumn.

We hope you'll join us for these monthly sessions from September to November. We'll be hearing from a global line-up of experts on how things might have been different... and trying to turn 'told you so' into 'ok, what do we do next?'.

Find out more, and book your space at these free events here.

Join the mySociety team

We're expanding our capacity in a couple of key areas, and currently looking for two new people to join us at mySociety.

Could you be one of the people we're looking for? If you're a great Designer or you have ideas to help revolutionise our PR and Marketing, then maybe so.

And if that's not you, please do help us spread the word. We're especially keen to reach people outside our usual networks, for a more diverse set of applicants, so every share is helpful. Thanks!

And finally...

Crumbling cookies

Our Head of Research, Dr Rebecca Rumbul, is taking on the Cookie Monster... that's cookies as as in the insidious tracking mechanism, rather than the lovable blue muppet.

Discover her extra-curricular activity, a mere multi billion lawsuit, here.

What we're reading

Did you know that you can subscribe to our special interest newsletters too? Get an extra monthly bulletin on Democracy & Campaigning, Freedom of Information, Better Cities & Councils, or Research. Pick and choose your mySociety newsletters here.

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