When I went to Washington in January as one of the first Muslim women in Congress, I knew that I would be attacked. I knew that Trump and his buddies were going to come after me.

Why? Because they are scared. They are afraid of me, they are afraid of us, they are afraid of what we can create together.

They call me names. They tell me to “go back home.” They attack our dreams of building an America where we all belong. But they cannot and will not win so long as we stand strong together.

And that’s why I want to say thank you. After Prime Minister Netanyahu bowed to President Trump’s demands and blocked myself and Rep. Rashida Tlaib from entering Israel, my inbox was flooded with notes of solidarity from PCCC members like you.

Today, will you stand in solidarity with me once again and invest in a movement that’s working toward a brighter future for all. Will you chip in to my reelection campaign right now?

78% of my constituents back in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District elected me on a clear mandate. A mandate to fight for every single person, no matter how we pray, where we grew up, the color of our skin, or who we love.

And I won’t be silenced. I will continue to fight for Medicare for All. A Green New Deal. A just immigration system. The dignity of people living in both Palestine and Israel.

While the bigotry and hate we are up against can feel overwhelming, your solidarity makes me confident that we can and will build a better America together. An America where we all are treated with dignity and respect.

Today, I will make a promise to you. I will never, ever let the Trump administration - or any other oppressive administration silence me. So I’m asking you now: will you contribute to my reelection campaign so that I can continue to stand up for what is right?

Thanks for being in this with me.

-- Ilhan

P.S. Here are just a few of the notes that I received from PCCC members…

Alan W. in Minnesota: Ilhan, so VERY Proud you are my Rep in the US House!

Caroline D. in Minnesota: I am glad you chose to come here to stay, to become a citizen and to run for office. You have many supporters. We love and respect you and your mission.

Brad M. in Minnesota: I voted for you, and am so proud to have done so. You say the things to congress that I wish I could directly.

Anita P. in Massachusetts: You are a courageous woman and a role model for all woman. I stand in solidarity with you.

Rachel S. in North Carolina: I'm so sorry for all the awful attacks against you for speaking the truth. Please know we're with you. We need your strength of spirit.

Marriane E. in Washington: Thank you for the work you do in Congress, and for refusing to be intimidated by the ugly racism and xenophobia displayed by the fascists currently in power. You deserve the respect we have for you.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

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