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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Thursday 3 September


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Outdated weddings laws of England and Wales face overhaul

Couples could soon be free to get married on the beach, in a private garden or at sea, according to proposed changes to outdated wedding laws.

The Guardian


Nicola Sturgeon open to amending hate crime proposals to tackle freedom of speech criticism

Nicola Sturgeon has suggested controversial hate crime proposals could be overhauled to "listen to concerns" that new laws may threaten freedom of speech.

The Herald


Cost of hate crime bill has been grossly underestimated, police say

Ministers have grossly underestimated policing costs associated with the hate crime bill, according to a union representing frontline officers.

The Times (£)


Sturgeon announces bill to enshrine UN convention on child rights in Scots law

Nicola Sturgeon announced that a Bill will soon be introduced to enshrine the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), describing the Bill as "one of the most ambitious pieces of legislation in the 20- year history of devolution".

Express and Star


Emmanuel Macron refuses to condemn Charlie Hebdo cartoons of Muhammad

The French president defended citizens' right to freedom of speech, saying "there is in France a freedom to blaspheme."

Deutsche Welle


Texas officials want to cut funding for women's health services while preserving an anti-abortion program

An August budget document shows funding for the anti-abortion program would be maintained, but reduced for doctors and clinics that provide reduced-cost contraception and health screenings.

Texas Tribune


Atheists persuade Puerto Rico educators to end mandatory school prayers

A district court challenge in Puerto Rico filed by two atheist organisations has convinced educators to drop mandatory prayer from at least one school's daily agenda.

Friendly Atheist (Patheos)


Uighur doctor tells of disturbing testimonies of 'forced abortions and removal of wombs' in China

An Uighur doctor says that for much of her career she worked for the Chinese government as part of what she describes as its population control plan to curtail the growth of the Uighur population.



'Tense wedding for woman rejected by parents for refusing FGM procedure'

Mary Nchagwa pleaded with her parents to let her avoid Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and bless her marriage. Her parents staunchly refused.

The Standard


Lord O’Neill of Clackmannan – obituary

National Secular Society honorary associate Lord O'Neill of Clackmannan has died aged 75.

The Telegraph


New NSS podcast


Ep 33: Kaja Bryx, Catholic Nationalism in Poland

In this episode Emma Park speaks to Kaja Bryx, president of the Polish Rationalist Association, about the influence of the Catholic Church and the religious right in Poland.



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