My grandfather, FDR, signed Social Security into law.
Donald Trump proposed cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid every single year of his presidency.
In contrast, Joe Biden calls for EXPANDING Social Security benefits -- and promised not to cut them.
Some big news: Senator Elizabeth Warren and tennis icon Billie Jean King will kick off a special PCCC/Biden campaign volunteer phone bank this Thursday to make sure seniors in Florida know about this Social Security contrast before early voting soon begins!
Also organizing volunteers for this call are groups like Social Security Works and the Alliance For Retired Americans.
Polls show this is one of the top issues voters care about. Especially seniors. And as you know, every vote in Florida is important.
This is the time for all of us to do our part. Voting begins for some people within days. Please be part of something special -- call Florida voters about one of the top issues they care about, Social Security.
You can also donate to the PCCC's work to defeat Trump here and take their latest survey asking your opinion on which activism is most exciting to you.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

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