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Religion & Public Life
July 10, 2019
Sexual abuse in religious communities continues to be in the news, including a new report this week on abuse within a U.S.-based Buddhist organization (see Denver Post story below). And many state governments continue to debate a response. But relatively few Americans are hearing clergy talk about the issue. U.S. adults who say they attend religious services a few times a year or more often were asked in a recent Pew Research Center survey if the clergy or other religious leaders at their place of worship have spoken out about sexual harassment, assault or abuse. Within this group, about three-in-ten say their clergy have spoken out about sexual abuse (29%), while two-thirds say they have not heard their clergy say anything about this topic (68%).
July 8 - The Record *
July 10 - The New York Times *
July 9 - The Washington Post *
July 8 - PBS Newshour
July 8 - The New York Times *
July 8 - The Associated Press
July 7 - The Denver Post *
July 5 - The Washington Post *
July 4 - The New York Times *
July 4 - BBC News
July 3 - CNN
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