
In August, you showed up and showed out for this campaign. We are thrilled to share that it was our most successful month to date -- and it’s all thanks to you, our loyal supporters.

I am so grateful for every single one of you—those who have been with us since 2018, and those who have gotten involved recently—but, we can’t let our foot off the gas!
Defeating Andy Biggs will take all of us. He’s got Big Pharma, the gun lobby, the private prison industry, and the Koch network all lining up to bail him out.

Because I’m not relying on special interest groups, I’m counting on you to make September our strongest month yet. With just a bit over two months until Election Day, we cannot afford to slow down. What happens in November will determine the path of our country for decades to come. Are you with me?

Thank you once again for your continued support.

Joan Greene