Friend --
There’s a lot going on in our country as we enter September: Trump’s lies at the RNC. Hurricane Laura. The attempted murder of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha, WI. The COVID-19 pandemic raging on.
To lift our spirits and get inspired to take action this month, we spoke with Gigi, a superstar Stand Up America organizing team captain.
The Stand Up America organizing team is where a lot of the magic happens. It’s a group of over 4,000 volunteers who organize through their phones, texting eligible voters and those who have been taken off the rolls to get them registered and make sure they vote!
Gigi and our other captains are the lifeblood of the team. Gigi helps organize thousands of volunteers, troubleshoots with newcomers, and makes sure the team is on track to hit key targets. And we’re not exaggerating when we say she and the rest of the organizing team make a huge impact: In less than a year, the team has contacted nearly four million (!) eligible voters.
Click here to join the organizing team and read more from our conversation with Gigi herself:

Where do you call home? Alexandria, Virginia
What have you learned while volunteering and being a texting captain? I have learned that teamwork and communication are key when interacting with a variety of people and [it’s important] to have infinite patience! Voters and texters alike are eager to make a difference in their community.
What motivates you to organize this year? I don't like what I see happening all over the country, and want to make sure that I do my part to educate voters and to make sure Trump is a one-term president. To paraphrase Mr. John Lewis "when you see something that isn't right, you have to say something."
Why should readers consider joining the organizing team? To educate, make a difference, and have their voices heard. If more people participate in the election process, the more power we will have over the world we wish to live in.
Which political issues are closest to your heart? And why? Healthcare, education, and reproductive rights. Healthcare and education should not cripple a household's income. Everyone should have equal access to healthcare and a quality education. I believe in a woman's right to choose and believe that politicians should not have control over a body that does not belong to them.
Who's a figure you look up to? And why? Barack Obama. I like his story and unconventional rise to the presidency. He showed poise, grace, and dignity for eight years despite all of the obstacles against him. He showed the world empathy and compassion for the human race. We should all strive to have such character.
What's your favorite snack? Hummus and chips.
Anything else you want to share with the Stand Up America community? Volunteer and vote. Be the change you wish to see! Aspire to inspire.
We edited our chat with Gigi a bit, for clarity and length.
We also want to welcome our newest hire Aubrey Langley, who joined the texting team this month. Aubrey is a seasoned organizer originally from Wisconsin. He’ll be taking the lead on coordinating our remote volunteers -- so if you join the organizing team you’ll be sure to get to know him. Click here to sign up now!

The New York Times: Joe Biden Accepts Democratic Nomination: ‘I Will Draw on the Best of Us’ Joe Biden officially accepted the Democratic presidential nomination this month. Read more about the speech he gave at the DNC and his vision for a post-Trump America.
Vanity Fair: The Life Breonna Taylor Lived, in the Words of Her Mother Breonna Taylor, who was murdered by Louisville police in her own home on March 13, is celebrated and honored through a deeply moving interview between Taylor’s mother and author Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Make a plan to vote Election Day might feel far off, but it’s not. Make sure you, your friends, your mom, your neighbor, everyone in your life is ready to cast their ballot.
Attend our letter writing party Stand Up America and Vote Forward have partnered to send letters to unlikely voters, urging them to vote this fall. So far, we’ve adopted 50K voters to send letters to -- and there’s still time to get in on the action! First, sign up and adopt voters. Then, sign up for our virtual letter writing party on Sept. 9 at 3:00 PM ET. We’ll brainstorm how to write effective letters together.
Thanks for tuning in. See you next month!
Eloise and Sami
