Eddie is the 34th person we know to be wrongfully convicted based on the pseudo-science of bite mark comparison.
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John —
In 1992, Eddie Lee Howard, Jr., a Black man, was arrested for the murder of an elderly white woman in Columbus, Mississippi. He was convicted primarily based on bite mark comparison evidence — an invalid forensic method — and sentenced to death in 1994. The Mississippi Supreme Court vacated that conviction and sentence, but Eddie was tried and convicted again based on the same flimsy evidence six years later.
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Eddie Lee Howard (Image: Mississippi Department of Corrections)
Eddie has spent nearly 30 years on death row for a crime he did not commit. And last week, the Mississippi Supreme Court once again vacated Eddie’s conviction and death sentence. Citing many other Innocence Project cases, the court acknowledged bite mark evidence has been discredited. Because of that, and in light of DNA evidence excluding Eddie from the crime scene, the court reversed the conviction. Eddie is now the 34th person we know to be wrongfully convicted based on the pseudo-science of bite mark comparison; our client Robert DuBoise, freed on Thursday in Florida, was the 33rd person.
More people need to hear Eddie’s story — read more about his case and why bite mark evidence should never be used in criminal trials, and then share the good news on social media. ([link removed])
What’s next for Eddie? The district attorney will decide whether to drop the charges given the new findings and DNA evidence that excludes Eddie or to pursue a new trial.
Either way, we look forward to continuing the fight for full exoneration — with your help.
— The Innocence Project Team
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