Hello and Good afternoon all!

My name is xxxxxx Baker, and I am the Manager for Jack Bergman's campaign for the northern lower peninsula!

As you know, this election is going to be one of the most historic and important years in our nation's history. On behalf of myself and the campaign, I hope that we can rely on your support this November. We have many opportunities for those who wish to take a step further and volunteer some time with us. Whether it is knocking doors, placing signs, making phone calls or supporting us at events, your willingness to help will be the decision maker in this campaign. We need good people like you to stand with us, and with the president for the next two months. 

I am hosting a zoom training and welcome session with the Michigan GOP this Friday at 6pm. I will be broadcasting out of the Traverse City office located at 830 E Front Street, Traverse City MI. You are welcome to come and meet me in person, or tune in via the Zoom information provided below! 
If you have any questions, email me at [email protected]

I appreciate your time reading this message, and sincerely hope to see you this Friday!!!

Welcome to the Bergman Brigade!

Zoom information as promised:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 5269 5193
Passcode: 862446