Dear John,
Fight Big Oil's attacks on the largest national wildlife refuge: Donate now!
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50 years of new drilling in the Arctic, John. That’s what the Department of Interior says could begin by December -- if it gets its way and opens up the Arctic Refuge to oil and gas drilling. Friends of the Earth is fighting back: Last week we filed a lawsuit to stop the DOI’s plan to drill in the Arctic. Stand with us as we sue the Department of the Interior to save the Arctic Refuge. Donate $27 to Friends of the Earth.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a national treasure. The largest national wildlife refuge in our country, it provides 19.3 million acres of pristine habitat for polar bears, grizzly bears, wolves, moose, caribou, eagles, and more. Over 200 species of birds spend their summers in Refuge breeding grounds, before migrating to parts of all 50 states each fall. Another great migrator -- the iconic Porcupine Caribou -- relies on the Refuge during their migration, and as a calving ground to raise their young.
The Arctic Refuge is also home to Indigenous communities, as it has been for thousands of years. Gwi’chin and Inupiaq people continue to rely on this land, and the wildlife it sustains.
Drilling in the Arctic Refuge will cause irreversible damage to the fragile Arctic ecosystem and the Indigenous communities that rely on it. That’s why we’re suing the Department of the Interior to stop this plan -- but we need your help.
Help stop the Department of the Interior from turning the Arctic Refuge into a fossil fuel wasteland -- rush a $27 donation to Friends of the Earth today.
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The Department of Interior has been colluding with the fossil fuel industry for years. Together, they plan to turn America’s public lands into toxic sacrifice zones, all to give this dead-end industry a few more payouts. Their attacks on public lands are not only immoral -- they violate our bedrock environmental laws. That’s why Friends of the Earth, along with key partners and allies, have proudly launched this new lawsuit.
Our case calls for the court to block the leasing program because its approval ignored federal law, violating the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the National Wildlife Refuge Administration Act.
If we don’t stand up to this giveaway of our public lands here and now, it will set a precedent we cannot reverse, and we will lose millions of acres of irreplaceable public lands in the process.
This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. Help us protect our iconic public lands by chipping in $27 to Friends of the Earth.
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At Friends of the Earth, we’re doing whatever it takes to beat back these attacks, and preserve this sacred land now and for future generations.
Members like you have been at the heart of this fight. You’ve called on members of Congress to take action. These actions are crucial tactics in our comprehensive strategy to win permanent protections -- and so is this new lawsuit.
The attacks on the Arctic Refuge violate the rights of Indigenous people, infringe upon the millions of Americans who love and cherish the beauty of this unique public land, threaten iconic wildlife like endangered polar bears, and lock in catastrophic global climate change impacts in one of the most sensitive and vulnerable ecosystems in the world.
Together, we can be the difference. Winning on this fight is going to take a diversity of tactics, creativity, and thousands of people willing to take action. In short, it’s going to take people power -- and we have that in spades.
Help take the Department of the Interior to court to stop drilling in the Arctic: Donate $27 or more now!
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Our court battle to protect the Arctic Refuge has begun.
Thank you for standing with us,
Marcie Keever,
Legal director,
Friends of the Earth