Help Fair and Square flip Texas Blue!

We have a lot of work to do. Join us.

We're going to get through the coronavirus outbreak together. If you are experiencing symptoms or are looking for more information, you can visit the website of the CDC or the Texas Department of Health. We are closely monitoring the situation and its effects on the people of Texas and our nation as we work together to keep our families and communities safe.


We’re about 2 months out from one of the most critical election days in Texas history. And we owe you a huge thanks for fighting alongside us. But we still have a lot of work to do.

So much is on the line -- fair maps, women’s rights, Medicaid expansion, and healthcare access to name just a few. When voters have the chance to hear our policies and message, we win. But there is one thing you can’t get back in campaigns and that is time, and we only have 2 months to contact and turn out as many voters as possible.

In the next two months, we’ll need to triple our efforts to ensure we’re communicating and helping to turn out new and hard to reach voters. We will be pouring our time, energy, and resources into flipping nine crucial Texas House seats Blue. These districts are up for grabs, and we need all hands on deck.

Help us keep our movement going strong >>>

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Thanks for your support,

Team Fair & Square


Thanks for supporting Fair and Square PAC. Our team is hyper-focused on creating a Democratic majority in the Texas House in 2020 and beyond, and to make sure we have a seat at the table for next year's redistricting.

We are providing strategic and monetary support to progressive candidates across the state in winnable House districts and move the state legislature to draw fair district lines after the census. We only need to win NINE seats to do it.
You can follow our efforts on Twitter or Facebook, click here to learn more or donate below >>

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Emails are the best way to keep in touch with our supporters as we focus on flipping the Texas House. However, if you would no longer like to receive emails from us, click here to unsubscribe

Fair and Square PAC
7324 Gaston Ave
Ste. 124 #448
Dallas, TX 75214
United States

Paid for by Fair & Square PAC