Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

College Chaos

A reason to hope. Karen Kwiatkowski

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Nonsense

Walter E. Williams

The World Banking System Has A New Competitor

Bill Sardi

Did Trump’s Federalism Just Win Him the Election?

Thomas Luongo

The Whole Scam Just Fell Apart

Covid test, overwhelming number of false positives. Jon Rappoport

Media Blackout: Massive Gathering In Germany as RFK Jr. Exposes Bill Gates & Big Pharma

Arjun Walia

Since 9/11, the Government’s Answer to Every Problem Has Been More Government

John W. Whitehead

Tucker Carlson Nails It: The Violenceband Lies, and More on George Floyd and Kyle Rittenhouse

Boyd D. Cathey

Who Wants To Overthrow President Lukashenko?

Thierry Meyssan

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on 5G, Gov’t Control by Fear, Surveillance, and Totalitarianism

B.N. Frank

Does Western Civilization Have a Future, or Is It Already in Its Grave?

Paul Craig Roberts

Curve Flat, Still in Lockdown, Billions Wasted on Ventilators

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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