From <[email protected]>
Subject Trump's visit to Kenosha
Date September 1, 2020 11:48 PM
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Trump was in Kenosha, Wisconsin today sowing seeds of division.

If you like the idea of having a president who, instead
of making problems horribly worse, makes things better, then
support our efforts to defeat Donald Trump in the crucial swing
state of Wisconsin →
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Trump flew all the way to Wisconsin to take
credit for something he didn't do.

Multiple media outlets published fact checks saying Trump vastly
overreaches when he claims credit for calmer streets in Kenosha.

Trump didn't mention how he incites right-wing groups to bring
weapons to racial justice protest sites and how it led to a
17-year-old Trump supporter from Illinois killing 2 people.

Trump also didn't mention Jacob Blake being shot in the back
seven times by police which started this entire series of events.
In a prior interview, Trump said police sometimes do bad things
because they "choke" like when a golfer misses a three foot putt.
Yes, he really said that.

Trump's insensitive and disrespectful leadership knows no bounds. Will
you chip in to put an end to Trump's "leadership" this November
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Let's be clear: Trump visited Wisconsin to stir up more tension
and hatred while shoring up his base to win this November.

Unlike Joe Biden, who's trying to unite Americans and help us
move forward, Trump's plan is to play petty politics with fear
and division.

Donald Trump will no longer be the President of the United States
if we defeat him in the crucial swing state of Wisconsin.

Chip in now to make Trump a one-term President!
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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair

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