By Chauncey K. Robinson

President Donald Trump and other GOP members are publicly legitimizing an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory group that has sparked violence in the past. They have brought what should have stayed on the fringes of the dark inter-webs to the center stage. This is something that should be cause for alarm.
What happens when a conspiracy theory catches fire in such a way that it sparks real world violence? What happens when those in power fan the flames of this theory for their own political gain?
These are questions being grappled with as the internet-born conspiracy theory known as “QAnon” has gained traction in the non-virtual world. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently labeled QAnon a domestic terror threat. President Donald Trump, on the other hand, has called QAnon believers “people that love our country” whom he appreciates.
QAnon is a conspiracy theory that plays on a number of themes, one being anti-Semitism, with an overall narrative that a secret political group (a cabal) of Satan-worshipping Democrats and Hollywood elites are running the world behind the scenes. QAnon believers say that these Democrats engage in human-trafficking, pedophilia, and child murder.
Yes, you read that right....